[Mono-devel-list] Regex: 'Split' function problem.

Francois Beauchemin beauche at softhome.net
Fri Feb 20 13:45:58 EST 2004

Hi , here is a pach for bug 54537 and for 54242.

RegexOption.RightToLeft now works but It is not fully tested, but this
work for the attached test case .

However, the split method now work in reverse order, but the behaviour 
is still a little bit different of .NET.
For now, split return in reverse order:
if the regex is "/" and the string is : "usr/local/bin" .
It will return with right to left  ["bin","local","usr"] and .NET will 
return ["usr","local","bin"]

Before aplying these patch, please do a "dos2unix -U *"  in regex dirs.

> See this bug for more details :  
> http://bugzilla.ximian.com/show_bug.cgi?id=54537

TIP-MONO Team ( a university project )
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