[Mono-devel-list] Detecting Mono

Jaroslaw Kowalski jaak at zd.com.pl
Mon Feb 16 12:08:42 EST 2004

> It'd be great if we had some attributes like "IgnoreDotNet" and
> with which we could decorate a test to avoid running tests on specific
> CLR's.  My quick hack to the code would be to change
> TestCaseBuilder.HasIgnoreAttribute() check for the full Ignore, or see
> runtime we are on and check for the specific attributes accordingly.

How about using a textual name of the plaftorm for this purpose? The naming
schema could be adopted from NAnt, e.g:


This way we could even employ some wildcards. Like "mono-1.*" to represent
any mono v1.x.

Same thing should apply to OSes ("platforms" in NAnt terminology). One
should be able to run the test on a particular OS or platform. For example
if your test uses filesystemwatcher it shouldn't be ran on Win95.

Some ideas below:

void A()

[IgnoreOnFramework("net-1.1")] // this would not run on .NET 1.1
void B()

[IgnoreOnFramework("net-1.*")]    // this would not run on ALL .NET
void C()

[IgnoreOnPlatform(Platform.Win32)]    // this would not run on Win32
void D()

[IgnoreOnPlatform(Platform.Unix)]    // this would not run on Unix platforms
void E()

[RunOnPlatform(Platform.Win32)]    // this would run only on Win32 platforms
void F()

[RunOnFramework("mono-1.*")]    // this would run only on Mono
void G()

There are more (open source) tools that target multiple platforms/oses. I
think it would be great to have some agreement on this attribute usage. For
example in NAnt we're discussing the possibility of implementing os-specific
or platform-specific tasks,types or functions in a single codebase. We've
tentatively decided that using such attributes is a way to go.

BTW. I think that the "excluded because of the framework/os" status
shouldn't be the same thing as "ignored" in NUnit. Tests are "ignored"
because they are known to temporarily fail, while RunOn... and IgnoreOn...
means something different here.


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