[Mono-devel-list] [ANN] X-develop - a mult-language IDE for Mono, Java and .NET

Benjamin Joldersma ben at joldersma.org
Tue Dec 21 20:57:46 EST 2004

This IDE looks good.  Any thoughts about visual designers, either for 
ASP.NET or for forms?  What widget set are you using?  Are you 
considering supporting NAnt as a build tool, as well as MSBUILD?

I would also recommend exposing more aspects of your IDE in your plug-in 
API than just language support.  It'd also might be smart to put out an 
open source "lite" version, and a premium/advanced version, a la eclipse 
& websphere...


Hans Kratz wrote:

> Hi!
>> This may be a stupid question but is X-develop (or will it ever be)
>> open source? :-)
> This does not seem likely at present. Omnicore is a small company with 
> neither venture capital to burn nor financial backing from a big
> corporation with a political agenda (think three-letter acronym ;-) ).
> The language plugin API in X-develop is open and we plan to release
> documentation on how to integrate support for other languages.
> Best regards,
> Hans

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