[Mono-devel-list] System.Configuration breakage?

Ian MacLean ianm at activestate.com
Sun Dec 5 07:27:23 EST 2004

Michael Tindal wrote:

> Ian MacLean wrote:
>> Michael Tindal wrote:
>>> Hey everyone,
>>>    Some changes between mono 1.1.2 and HEAD have broken nant.  I've 
>>> tried hunting down the problem to no avail, and I'm unsure if its a 
>>> problem with nant itself or with the class libraries shipped with 
>>> mono.  I added some debugging output to src/ConsoleStub.cs then 
>>> recompiled NAnt.exe using mcs -g -t:exe -out:NAnt.exe ConsoleStub.cs 
>>> AssemblyInfo.cs, which produced this output.  Maybe someone here 
>>> with a bit more knowledge about this could shed some light on the 
>>> problem.
>>> _frameworkVersion =
>>> Compat mode: the request from /usr/lib/NAnt.Core.dll to load System 
>>> was remapped (http://www.go-mono.com/remap.html)
>>> Compat mode: the request from /usr/lib/NAnt.Core.dll to load 
>>> System.Xml was remapped (http://www.go-mono.com/remap.html)
>>> Message ---
>>> nant does not implement 
>>> System.Configuration.IConfigurationSectionHandler ()
>>> HelpLink ---
>> try removing (or commenting ) the  <supportedRuntime 
>> version="v2.0.40607" /> line from NAnt.exe.config
>> Ian
> That worked, is there something wrong in the 2.0 runtime that would 
> cause it to break like that?

It looks like svn head build of mono installs a partial 2.0 runtime - 
the only assembly in lib/mono/2.0 is mscorlib.dll.  So I'm guessing that 
can's find the 2 .0 version System.Configuration classes. I'm not 
entirely sure though -


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