[Mono-devel-list] xmlserializer and sockets
ultrakorne at paranoici.org
Thu Dec 2 12:39:47 EST 2004
hi, i have some problems with my client talk to my server...
i am using xmlserializer to serialize object and send them to the other
side of the connection. I need to send / recive by both client and
server. client after login waits all the time listening for objects on a
thread, and sends objects on users events on the main thread. server
waits connections, start a new thread for each connection and after
validating login waits for object, and answer with an object to every
incoming object.
If i send only one packet, all works fine, i tryed many solution but i
cannot send 2 packets, or send and recive...
here is my code:
LoginPacket is a class with informations
the method run of this class is launched as a thread to serve a client,
with a socket initializated (and passed as parameter)
now for testing it will only waits for 2 login packets
public class ServeClient {
private Socket sock;
public ServeClient(Socket s) {
this.sock = s;
public void Run(){
NetworkStream networkStream = new NetworkStream(sock);
//waiting for login request
LoginPacket lp;
this.DeserializeMessage( networkStream, out lp);
LoginPacket lp2;
this.DeserializeMessage( networkStream, out lp2);
Console.WriteLine("Incoming login request: {0}", lp.Nick);
// this will deserialize the message, and put it in message
public bool DeserializeMessage(NetworkStream networkStream,out
LoginPacket message) {
Byte []buffer=new Byte[500];
XmlSerializer deserializer=new XmlSerializer(typeof(LoginPacket));
int count=networkStream.Read(buffer,0,buffer.Length);
if(count <= 0) {
return false;
MemoryStream memoryStream=new MemoryStream(buffer,0,count);
message= ((LoginPacket)deserializer.Deserialize(memoryStream));
return true;
// run is launched as a thread, this thread will wait listening after
// login succed. now for testing it will only send 2 login requests
class ListenerThread {
private TcpClient client; //FIXME : it is no syncronized
public void Run() {
client = new TcpClient( "localhost", 6666);;
LoginPacket login = new LoginPacket( PacketType.LOGIN_REQUEST, "nick",
LoginPacket login2 = new LoginPacket( PacketType.LOGIN_REQUEST,
"nick2", "pass2");
//send a loginpacket
public void Send(LoginPacket message) {
NetworkStream netWorkStream=null;
XmlSerializer serializer=new XmlSerializer(message.GetType());
//Fixme: metterlo fuori dal metodo
netWorkStream = client.GetStream();
Stream stream=(Stream)netWorkStream;
thx if someone can solve my problems.
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