[Mono-devel-list] patch and planned command line changes for xsd.exe

Atsushi Eno atsushi at ximian.com
Wed Apr 21 11:12:02 EDT 2004


I made a patch for xsd.exe that supports schema inference from
xml document (It just uses DataSet.InferXmlSchema(), no additional
implementation is done).

I also modified the command line option for xsd.exe that make it
closer to that of MS.NET. After applying this patch, our xsd.exe
will also require

	/c for xml serialization class generation, or

	/d for typed DataSet class generation
	   (although it is not implemented yet).

That is,

	mono xsd.exe sample1.xsd

won't work anymore. Use this line instead:

	mono xsd.exe sample.xsd  /c

Will commit if there is no problem. (well, I know InferXmlSchema()
is not complete yet. It's just making testing easy :-)

Atsushi Eno

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