[Mono-devel-list] Building using icu under cygwin

Bernie Solomon bernard at ugsolutions.com
Sun Oct 12 22:03:11 EDT 2003

I have come up with a way to build using ICU under cygwin.

I downloaded the prebuilt VC6 binaries from the link on http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu/download/2.6.1/index.html. 

I installed this under cygwin's structure (I used /usr/local/icu as the root).

Somewhere in your path put this script as icu-config (I chose /usr/local/bin/icu-config) having editted ICU_ROOT to wherever you installed ICU (this script is attached as well).


case $1
    echo "-I$ICU_ROOT/include"
    echo "-L$ICU_ROOT/lib -licuuc -licuin"
    grep '\<U_ICU_VERSION\>' $ICU_ROOT/include/unicode/uversion.h | sed -e 's/.*"\(.*\)".*/\1/'

now you can rerun configure and this should detect the ICU installation properly and use it.

Bernie Solomon
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