[Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] Changes for a better support of SQL Server 2000

Diego Caravana diego at toth.it
Fri Oct 3 06:58:20 EDT 2003

I've encountered a lot of problem (in the area of stored procedures 
calling) testing a *real* ASP.NET application on mono that uses 
SQLServer 2000 as the data backend.
I patched several mono classes and now the app works correctly: I've 
added support for InputOutput parameters and return values, along with 
some trivial fixes (like in SqlParameter.cs and 
SqlParameterCollection.cs, and in SqlConnection.Close() that didn't 
check for null's.)
I'm not an expert in the area of SQLServer-protocols-implementation, so 
a check of my implementation may be required.

List of files patched:

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Name: ClassChangesForSQLServer-20031003.diff
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