[Mono-devel-list] Initial implementation of InProc Session support.

Stefan Görling stefan at gorling.se
Sun Mar 30 13:35:13 EST 2003


I've done a simple InProc HttpSessionState implementation. It's not 
production ready (It lacks disposing of expired session, which could be 
implemented rather easy though), nor is it very well tested but it 
scratches my current itch.

In order to enable session support in xsp you have to add the following 
to your machine.config (besides applying the patches attached):

Under system.web section httpModule:
<add name="SessionState" 
type="System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule, System.Web" />

Under system.web (default):
<sessionState mode="InProc" />

Please feel free to tell me that it's stupid, It's my first lines of C#, 
and since I am a java/jsp programmer on the weekdays it might seem a bit 

Best Regards,

Stefan Görling

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