[Mono-devel-list] ilasm name change

yoros at wanadoo.es yoros at wanadoo.es
Sun Mar 9 02:45:54 EST 2003

On Sat, Mar 08, 2003 at 11:00:54PM -0800, Jackson Harper wrote:
> Hello,
> 	Some people have been suggesting/requesting a name change for ilasm.
> There are a few other .net implementations that use ilasm, so some
> people have 2 or 3 different ilasm applications on their machine. 
> 	There are a few diff options such as setting up a script with a diff
> name that calls prefix/mono prefix/ilasm.exe, creating a virtual link,
> or doing a full fledged name change. 
> 	Here are my name suggestions:
> 	milasm
> 	mono-ilasm
> 	gilasm
> 	gnilasm 	(*say it out loud ;-)

I think that we must change the name of the binary executable and the
scritp. I propose to use the pattern that is used in the rest of mono

On pattern:

    mcs   -> MONO CSharp
    mbas  -> MONO BASic
    mint  -> MONO INTerpreter
    mdb   -> MONO DataBase

Or other pattern:

    monodis     -> MONO DISassembler
    monograph  	-> MONO GRAPH
    monoresgen  -> MONO RESource GENerator
    monosn      -> MONO Strong Name
    monostyle   -> MONO STYLE

I like very much the two patterns but I like much more the homogeneity.
We must change the name for a few applications. I propose the following

    ilasm -> monoilas, milas, monoas and mas. "as" can be "ass" too.
    pedump -> monodump, mdump, monopedump, mpedump...
    NUnitConsole_mono -> monounit, munit, monounitc, munitc

Debugger, EnumCheck, IFaceDisco, Interpreter, and other stuff related to
the debugger and gtk-sharp must to be named according to a name

Another thing that I would like is that mono has two installing modes
for linux or other unix. For example, in my system I have installed the
binfmt_misc module and I don't need to use any script to run mono apps.
Other systems don't have binfmt_misc (or doesn't want to have it). I
prope new make parameters: one for installing the executables without
.exe extension and other for installing the executables and the scripts
to run them.



Pedro Martinez Juliá
\  yoros at terra.es
)|    yoros at wanadoo.es
/        http://yoros.cjb.net
Socio HispaLinux #311
Usuario Linux #275438 - http://counter.li.org
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