[Mono-devel-list] Classes from System.Drawing namespace

Sam Hart hart at physics.arizona.edu
Wed Jun 25 14:21:35 EDT 2003

I honestly don't know if these classes are inside mono yet or not, but I 
do want to say that you can actually get completely cross-platform 
graphical functionality like this using SDLDotNet 
(http://cs-sdl.sourceforge.net/). It introduces one more dependancy, but 
that dependancy is minor, IMHO.

As a matter of fact, /if/ mono does not yet have these drawing classes, I 
would wager they could be implimented pretty easily using something like 
a wrapper around SDLDotNet.

> Hi All,
> I am developing Imaging library in C# using VS.NET. For image loading and saving I use classes from System.Drawing namespace like Image, Bitmap etc. It uses GDI+ internally (I think). It is working properly on Windows.
> 1. Will it be possible to use the compiled assemblies on Linux in mono?
> 2. If not, do I need to compile it with mono without any change in source code?
> 3. If not, do you have any plan to port System.Drawing.Image/Bitmap classes?
> Thanks & Regards,
> RS

Sam Hart
University/Work addr. <hart at physics.arizona.edu>
Personal addr. <criswell at geekcomix.com>
Alternative <criswell at tux4kids.net>

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