[Mono-devel-list] BUG in DbDataAdapter.cs (was: SQLClient (was: AW: [Mono-devel-li st] (Mono) ASP.NET DataBindung, and apache mod_mono))

tim at timcoleman.com tim at timcoleman.com
Mon Jun 16 22:37:57 EDT 2003

> I found a bug in the Method Fill(DataSet dataSet, string srcTable,
> IDataReader dataReader, int startRecord, int maxRecords)
> At line 194:
> 	if(dataTable.Rows.Count > 0) {
> 		dataSet.Tables.Add(dataTable);
> 		tableName = String.Format ("{0}{1}", srcTable,
> ++resultIndex);
> 	}
> This code does not add a table that contains no Rows, MS .NET does.....so I
> changed the code to
> 		dataSet.Tables.Add(dataTable);
> 		tableName = String.Format ("{0}{1}", srcTable,
> ++resultIndex);
> Could someone please review and commit, I have no CVS access for submission.
> Thanks....

This has been applied.  Thanks.

Tim Coleman <tim at timcoleman.com>                       [43.43 N 80.45 W]
BMath, Honours Combinatorics and Optimization, University of Waterloo
Software Developer, Global Services, Open Text Corporation
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 opposite." -- J.K. Galbraith

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