[Mono-devel-list] C14N transforms implementation in System.Security.Cryptography.Xml

Aleksey Sanin aleksey at aleksey.com
Tue Jul 22 14:28:43 EDT 2003

Hi, All!

I would like to propose a patch that provides XML Canonicalization
transforms implementation for System.Security.Cryptography.Xml
The patch (see attached file) includes C14N implementation that later
could be extended to support Exclusive C14N as well. Also there are
about a dozen new test cases from C14N spec. The code more or less
mirros the C code I wrote for LibXML2 (http://xmlsoft.org) and xmlsec
(http://www.aleksey.com/xmlsec) libraries.

I would appreciate if someone can take a look at this patch, review it and
commit to CVS. Also it would be great if someone can run the new tests
on Windows (I don't have MS .NET myself).  I have tried to contact
Sebastien Pouliot (who seems to be the maintainer for this module)
but he did not respond.

Also I would be interested in helping with implementation of XML and
XML Security stuff in Mono. It seems that there are a lot of things to do
(for example, I had little success with using XML entities or running
some xpath expressions). I wonder if there is someone else working
on this stuff.

With best regards,
Aleksey Sanin

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