[Mono-devel-list] conserving memory in XslTransform

Varga Zoltan vargaz at freemail.hu
Tue Jul 1 16:20:35 EDT 2003

   I found the following comment in XslTransform.cs:

	* If I do this, the <?xml version=... is always present
		if (-1 == xsltSaveResultToFilename (outputfile,
resultDocument, stylesheet, 0))
		throw new XmlException ("Error xsltSaveResultToFilename");

Could the author of this comment tell me what was the
problem with
calling xsltSaveResultToFilename ? I would like to change
the code to
use it, since the current method of converting the result to
a string
consumes lots of memory, and leads to ugly messages from libgc.



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