[Mono-devel-list] Releasing connections from pool

Francisco Figueiredo Jr. fxjrlists at yahoo.com.br
Wed Dec 31 10:05:50 EST 2003

A Rafael D Teixeira wrote:
> Hi Francisco,

Hi Rafael

> Why don't you control and time out connections in the pool. I think that 
> would work well for the problem at hand.

Yeap! This also could be done. But this only works while the app domain 
is loaded, for example while the client is still using Npgsql and after 
opening some connections, I could time out the connections not being 
used anymore.

The problem is when the client exits and the appdomain gets unloaded.
The connections in the pool will be "orphaned". And I don't see a way 
where I could close them. :(

But I think that as Reggie Burnet said, I could just the unmamanged 
connection be closed by finalizer and the server should handle the 
connection closing correctly.

> Have Fun With Your Bits,

Thanks! You too!

> Brazilian Portuguese PS.: Feliz Ano Novo!!! Meu caro amigo... :D

Brazilian Portuguese: Muito obrigado Rafael!! Para vc tb e toda a sua 
familia!! :)

Francisco Figueiredo Jr.
Membro Fundador do Projeto MonoBrasil - MonoBrasil Project Founding Member

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