[Mono-devel-list] Bug in Sockets

yoros at wanadoo.es yoros at wanadoo.es
Mon Apr 14 15:07:41 EDT 2003


I think that there is a bug in the code related to sockets (or tcp
server sockets / connections).

If I run a test that I have for remoting, when I leave the server
running, it crashes with the following exception:

Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: A null value was
found where an object instance was required
in <0x00177> 00 .Runner:Start ()
in <0x0005b> 01 System.MulticastDelegate:invoke_void ()

This happends in XSP too. In mini, XSP stops its work but in mono it

Is this bug filed yet?



Pedro Martinez Juliá
\  yoros at terra.es
)|    yoros at wanadoo.es
/        http://yoros.cjb.net
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