[Mono-devel-list] Nested namesapce Bug (#40833)

Gaurav Vaish gvaish at adobe.com
Thu Apr 10 03:01:56 EDT 2003


    I have almost done it.
    The only places where it fails is when a namespace of the same name is
declared after a type has already been declared. See attached file for what
I mean. inner_ns_fails.cs failes to compile - expected behaviour.
inner_ns.cs compiles - should not.

    The reason is that I don't have the information about "Location" when
the namespace in error is loaded. Frankly speaking, namespace should not
have Location - since it can be spread to many files. So, I need to get
information of the previously declared non-namespace object. Currently, my
hack fails to do so, but still - it does *not* compile the attached files
(expected behaviour, only error handling is bad).

    The file mcs_mcs.diff contains the changes that I've done. And
AssemblyObjectNames.cs is the new class that I've added.

    I've build all the assemblies with new mcs and currently running tests /
errors. Seems to be going fine till now (tests: 160, errors: 255 done).

    Let me know if I can apply the patch.

Happy Hacking,

Compilation Results ==>

gvaish at MASTER /cygdrive/f/gvaish/projects/csdoc/csdoc/src/tests
$ ../csdoc/mcsdoc.exe inner_ns.cs
inner_ns.cs(5) error CS0101: Failed to add namespace: One.Two
Compilation failed: 1 error(s), 0 warnings

gvaish at MASTER /cygdrive/f/gvaish/projects/csdoc/csdoc/src/tests
$ ../csdoc/mcsdoc.exe inner_ns_fails.cs
Internal(1) error CS0101: Failed to add "One.Two"
Compilation failed: 1 error(s), 0 warnings
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