[Mono-bugs] [Bug 624849] BlockingCollection<T> takes 100% cpu when blocking for an element

bugzilla_noreply at novell.com bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
Wed Nov 17 12:35:11 EST 2010



--- Comment #23 from Niklas Hofmann <niklas.hofmann at gmx.org> 2010-11-17 17:35:08 UTC ---
Mono: gc took 31 usecs
Mono: Assembly Loader probing location:
Mono: Image addref mscorlib 0x1898620 ->
/opt/mono-2.8/lib/mono/4.0/mscorlib.dll 0x1897870: 2

Mono: Assembly Loader probing location:
Mono: AOT loaded AOT Module for /opt/mono-2.8/lib/mono/4.0/mscorlib.dll.

Mono: Assembly Loader loaded assembly from location:
Mono: Config attempting to parse:
Mono: Config attempting to parse:
Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.OutOfMemoryException:.ctor
(string) 0x7f4884307320 - 0x7f4884307350 0x7f488458159e

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.NullReferenceException:.ctor
(string) 0x7f48843008e0 - 0x7f4884300910 0x7f488458133f

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.StackOverflowException:.ctor
(string) 0x7f488430b6f0 - 0x7f488430b710 0x7f4884581785

Mono: Assembly mscorlib 0x1898620 added to domain BlockingCollectionTest.exe,

Mono: Config attempting to parse: '/opt/mono-2.8/etc/mono/config'.
Mono: Config attempting to parse: '/root/.mono/config'.
Mono: Assembly Loader probing location: 'BlockingCollectionTest.exe'.
Mono: Image addref BlockingCollectionTest 0x18ff590 ->
/root/BlockingCollectionTest.exe 0x18968c0: 3

Mono: Assembly BlockingCollectionTest 0x18ff590 added to domain
BlockingCollectionTest.exe, ref_count=1

Mono: AOT failed to load AOT module /root/BlockingCollectionTest.exe.so:
/root/BlockingCollectionTest.exe.so: cannot open shared object file: No such
file or directory

Mono: Assembly Loader loaded assembly from location:
Mono: Config attempting to parse: '/root/BlockingCollectionTest.exe.config'.
Mono: Config attempting to parse:
Mono: Assembly Loader probing location: 'BlockingCollectionTest.exe'.
Mono: AOT failed to load AOT module /root/BlockingCollectionTest.exe.so:
/root/BlockingCollectionTest.exe.so: cannot open shared object file: No such
file or directory

Mono: Assembly Ref addref BlockingCollectionTest 0x18ff590 -> mscorlib
0x1898620: 2

Mono: Config attempting to parse: '/root/BlockingCollectionTest.exe.config'.
Mono: Assembly Loader probing location:
Mono: Image addref System 0x190a1f0 ->
0x1909390: 2

Mono: Assembly System 0x190a1f0 added to domain BlockingCollectionTest.exe,

Mono: AOT failed to load AOT module
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Mono: Assembly Loader loaded assembly from location:
Mono: Config attempting to parse:
Mono: Config attempting to parse:
Mono: Assembly Ref addref BlockingCollectionTest 0x18ff590 -> System 0x190a1f0:

Mono: Assembly Ref addref System 0x190a1f0 -> mscorlib 0x1898620: 3

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Threading.ManualResetEventSlim:.ctor (bool) 0x7f48844d60f0 -
0x7f48844d6120 0x7f4884590604

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Threading.ThreadPool:QueueUserWorkItem (System.Threading.WaitCallback)
0x7f48844b6210 - 0x7f48844b6230 0x7f488458f750

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
(System.Threading.WaitCallback,object) 0x7f48844b6230 - 0x7f48844b6330

System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices:IsTransparentProxy (object).

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices:.cctor () 0x7f48843e4ae0 -
0x7f48843e4c90 0x7f4884588b02

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Collections.Hashtable:.ctor
0x7f4884342980 - 0x7f4884342bf0 0x7f48845832cc

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Collections.Hashtable:.cctor ()
0x7f4884343240 - 0x7f4884343290 0x7f488458331b

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Collections.Hashtable:ToPrime
(int) 0x7f4884345180 - 0x7f4884345220 0x7f4884583438

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices:RegisterInternalChannels ()
0x7f48843e7d90 - 0x7f48843e7da0 0x7f4884588d0e

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.CrossAppDomainChannel:.cctor () 0x7f48843f24e0
- 0x7f48843f2510 0x7f4884589367

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
() 0x7f48843f2510 - 0x7f48843f2580 0x7f488458936f

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Collections.ArrayList:.cctor ()
0x7f4884338430 - 0x7f4884338460 0x7f4884582c59

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ChannelServices:.cctor () 0x7f48843ee4d0 -
0x7f48843ee5b0 0x7f488458910c

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for string:.cctor () 0x7f488430b770 -
0x7f488430b7e0 0x7f488458178d

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: string:GetLOSLimit ().

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
(System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannel,bool) 0x7f48843efdd0 -
0x7f48843f02c0 0x7f48845891f1

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Collections.ArrayList:get_SyncRoot
() 0x7f4884338680 - 0x7f4884338690 0x7f4884582c91

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Collections.ArrayList:get_Count ()
0x7f4884338580 - 0x7f48843385a0 0x7f4884582c72

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Collections.ArrayList:Add (object)
0x7f4884338870 - 0x7f48843388e0 0x7f4884582ca1

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Collections.ArrayList:EnsureCapacity (int) 0x7f4884338690 -
0x7f4884338720 0x7f4884582c95

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Array:Copy
(System.Array,int,System.Array,int,int) 0x7f48842beec0 - 0x7f48842bf350

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.Array:FastCopy

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.MonoType:ToString ()
0x7f48842fee30 - 0x7f48842fee50 0x7f488458122f

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.MonoType:getFullName (bool,bool).

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Array:System.Collections.IList.Contains (object) 0x7f48842bc130 -
0x7f48842bc1e0 0x7f488457ef8f

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.Array:GetValueImpl (int).

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for string:Equals (object) 0x7f488430bc00 -
0x7f488430bc70 0x7f48845817e7

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
(System.Type,string,System.Runtime.Remoting.WellKnownObjectMode) 0x7f48843e7410
- 0x7f48843e74c0 0x7f4884588cb4

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.AppDomain:InternalGetDefaultContext ().

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
(System.Runtime.Remoting.ServerIdentity) 0x7f48843e74c0 - 0x7f48843e75c0

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Collections.Hashtable:ContainsKey
(object) 0x7f4884343a90 - 0x7f4884343ab0 0x7f4884583388

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Collections.Hashtable:Contains
(object) 0x7f4884343900 - 0x7f4884343930 0x7f4884583378

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Collections.Hashtable:GetHash
(object) 0x7f4884344620 - 0x7f48843446a0 0x7f48845833fa

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for string:GetHashCode () 0x7f48843133f0 -
0x7f4884313490 0x7f4884581aa6

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Collections.Hashtable:set_Item
(object,object) 0x7f4884343640 - 0x7f4884343670 0x7f4884583363

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Collections.Hashtable/KeyMarker:.cctor () 0x7f4884345230 -
0x7f4884345260 0x7f4884583446

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Collections.Hashtable:PutImpl
(object,object,bool) 0x7f4884344c60 - 0x7f4884345000 0x7f4884583420

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Reflection.Binder:.cctor ()
0x7f4884391df0 - 0x7f4884391e20 0x7f4884585efe

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.MonoType:GetMethodImpl
0x7f48842fd880 - 0x7f48842fdb30 0x7f48845811d8

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.MonoType:GetMethodsByName

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.Security.SecurityManager:get_SecurityEnabled ().

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Security.SecurityManager:.cctor ()
0x7f488442f700 - 0x7f488442f750 0x7f488458b55f

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Capture
() 0x7f48844b0f30 - 0x7f48844b0fb0 0x7f488458f43d

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Threading.Thread:get_CurrentThread
() 0x7f48844b4740 - 0x7f48844b4820 0x7f488458f5f3

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Threading.Thread:.cctor ()
0x7f48844b4290 - 0x7f48844b42d0 0x7f488458f5ba

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Threading.Thread:get_ExecutionContext () 0x7f48844b5cf0 - 0x7f48844b5dc0

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Threading.ExecutionContext:.ctor
(System.Threading.ExecutionContext) 0x7f48844b0ea0 - 0x7f48844b0f10

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.ThreadPool:pool_queue

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource:.cctor () 0x7f48844d2f90 -
0x7f48844d2fc0 0x7f4884590466

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource:.ctor () 0x7f48844d2f10 -
0x7f48844d2f90 0x7f488459045c

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
() 0x7f4884507460 - 0x7f4884507480 0x7f4884591bf1

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
() 0x7f4884507490 - 0x7f4884507590 0x7f4884591c0d

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Type:IsAssignableFrom
(System.Type) 0x7f48843291f0 - 0x7f48843293a0 0x7f48845824af

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Reflection.Missing:.cctor ()
0x7f4884398830 - 0x7f4884398860 0x7f48845862c6

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Type:.cctor () 0x7f4884327010 -
0x7f48843270f0 0x7f4884582302

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Type:Equals (System.Type)
0x7f4884327d60 - 0x7f4884327e00 0x7f4884582409

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.MonoType:get_UnderlyingSystemType
() 0x7f48842feae0 - 0x7f48842feaf0 0x7f4884581211

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.Type:EqualsInternal (System.Type).

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Type:get_IsSystemType ()
0x7f488432a950 - 0x7f488432a990 0x7f488458259d

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.Type:type_is_assignable_from

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Type:MakeGenericType
(System.Type[]) 0x7f488432ab70 - 0x7f488432aeb0 0x7f48845825b6

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Type:get_IsUserType ()
0x7f488432b5a0 - 0x7f488432b670 0x7f4884582608

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.Type:get_IsGenericTypeDefinition ().

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.MonoType:GetGenericArguments ().

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Type:get_IsCompilerContext ()
0x7f488432a8b0 - 0x7f488432a930 0x7f4884582593

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.MonoType:get_Assembly ().

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.Type:MakeGenericType (System.Type,System.Type[]).

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Activator:CreateInstance
(System.Type,bool) 0x7f48842b4a50 - 0x7f48842b4c40 0x7f488457eb86

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Activator:CheckType (System.Type)
0x7f48842b4c40 - 0x7f48842b4d60 0x7f488457eb8c

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.MonoType:get_ContainsGenericParameters () 0x7f48842fee50 -
0x7f48842fef50 0x7f4884581231

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.MonoType:get_IsGenericParameter ().

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.Type:get_IsGenericType ().

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.MonoType:HasElementTypeImpl ()
0x7f48842fdde0 - 0x7f48842fde30 0x7f48845811f0

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.MonoType:IsArrayImpl ()
0x7f48842fde30 - 0x7f48842fde50 0x7f48845811f2

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.Type:IsArrayImpl (System.Type).

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.MonoType:IsByRefImpl ().

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.MonoType:IsPointerImpl ().

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Activator:CheckAbstractType
(System.Type) 0x7f48842b4d60 - 0x7f48842b4df0 0x7f488457eb98

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.MonoType:GetAttributeFlagsImpl ()
0x7f48842fd300 - 0x7f48842fd320 0x7f48845811bc

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.MonoType:get_attributes (System.Type).

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.MonoType:GetDefaultConstructor ()
0x7f48842fd260 - 0x7f48842fd300 0x7f48845811b6

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.MonoType:GetConstructorImpl
0x7f48842fd320 - 0x7f48842fd380 0x7f48845811be

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.MonoType:GetConstructors
(System.Reflection.BindingFlags) 0x7f48842fd600 - 0x7f48842fd620 0x7f48845811ca

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.MonoType:GetConstructors_internal

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.MonoType:GetConstructorImpl
0x7f48842fd380 - 0x7f48842fd600 0x7f48845811c0

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
0x7f4884393200 - 0x7f4884393230 0x7f4884585f7e

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
0x7f4884393230 - 0x7f48843936d0 0x7f4884585f80

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Reflection.MonoCMethod:GetParameters () 0x7f488439eec0 - 0x7f488439eee0

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.MonoMethodInfo:get_parameter_info

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Reflection.MonoCMethod:get_Attributes () 0x7f488439f2d0 - 0x7f488439f2f0

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.MonoMethodInfo:get_method_info

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo:Invoke
(object[]) 0x7f4884394450 - 0x7f48843944a0 0x7f4884585fe6

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo:.cctor
() 0x7f48843942e0 - 0x7f4884394310 0x7f4884585fb6

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Reflection.MonoCMethod:Invoke
0x7f488439f250 - 0x7f488439f2a0 0x7f4884586625

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Reflection.MonoCMethod:Invoke
0x7f488439ef20 - 0x7f488439f250 0x7f4884586621

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Reflection.MonoCMethod:get_DeclaringType () 0x7f488439f330 -
0x7f488439f350 0x7f488458662f

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.MonoCMethod:InternalInvoke

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
() 0x7f4884507480 - 0x7f4884507490 0x7f4884591c00

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Action>:InitArrays (int) 0x7f48844f1ca0 - 0x7f48844f1d70 0x7f48845912b9

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Threading.ManualResetEvent:.ctor
(bool) 0x7f48844b1840 - 0x7f48844b1870 0x7f488458f493

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.NativeEventCalls:CreateEvent_internal

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Threading.WaitHandle:.cctor ()
0x7f48844b88c0 - 0x7f48844b88f0 0x7f488458f8b1

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Threading.WaitHandle:set_Handle
(intptr) 0x7f48844b8f30 - 0x7f48844b8ff0 0x7f488458f8f0

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Threading.CancellationToken:get_None () 0x7f48844d4150 - 0x7f48844d4180

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Threading.CancellationToken:ThrowIfCancellationRequested ()
0x7f48844d4370 - 0x7f48844d4390 0x7f4884590514

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Threading.SpinWait:get_Count ()
0x7f48844d4f70 - 0x7f48844d4f90 0x7f488459058a

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Threading.SpinWait:.cctor ()
0x7f48844d4d30 - 0x7f48844d4d60 0x7f4884590568

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.Environment:get_ProcessorCount ().

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Threading.SpinWait:SpinOnce ()
0x7f48844d4d60 - 0x7f48844d4df0 0x7f488459056e

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Thread:Yield ().

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.TimeSpan:FromSeconds (double)
0x7f488431cb30 - 0x7f488431cb60 0x7f4884581f43

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.TimeSpan:.cctor () 0x7f488431c290
- 0x7f488431c320 0x7f4884581ed5

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.TimeSpan:From (double,long)
0x7f488431cb90 - 0x7f488431cd50 0x7f4884581f4b

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.Math:Round (double).

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Threading.Thread:Sleep
(System.TimeSpan) 0x7f48844b4e80 - 0x7f48844b4f20 0x7f488458f65c

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Thread:Sleep_internal (int).

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Console:WriteLine (string,object)
0x7f48842cbc50 - 0x7f48842cbc90 0x7f488457f6d0

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Console:.cctor () 0x7f48842cab40 -
0x7f48842cb0e0 0x7f488457f566

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.Text.Encoding:InternalCodePage (int&).

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Text.Encoding:.cctor ()
0x7f48844a1880 - 0x7f48844a1f50 0x7f488458ee62

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Text.Encoding:get_UTF8Unmarked ()
0x7f48844a4090 - 0x7f48844a4130 0x7f488458f03e

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Text.EncoderFallback:.cctor ()
0x7f48844a10f0 - 0x7f48844a1180 0x7f488458edee

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Text.EncoderReplacementFallback:.ctor () 0x7f48844a13e0 - 0x7f48844a1400

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Text.DecoderFallback:.cctor ()
0x7f48844a0310 - 0x7f48844a03a0 0x7f488458ed62

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Text.DecoderReplacementFallback:.ctor () 0x7f48844a0530 - 0x7f48844a0550

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Text.UTF8Encoding:.ctor
(bool,bool) 0x7f48844ab6b0 - 0x7f48844ab770 0x7f488458f2f6

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Text.Encoding:.ctor (int)
0x7f48844a1780 - 0x7f48844a1880 0x7f488458ee52

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Console:OpenStandardError (int)
0x7f48842cb310 - 0x7f48842cb340 0x7f488457f5ee

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.IO.MonoIO:get_ConsoleError ().

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.MonoIO:.cctor () 0x7f488437b5e0
- 0x7f488437b620 0x7f48845852bd

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Console:Open
(intptr,System.IO.FileAccess,int) 0x7f48842cb240 - 0x7f48842cb300

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.FileStream:.cctor ()
0x7f4884376af0 - 0x7f4884376b20 0x7f488458507f

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.FileStream:.ctor
(intptr,System.IO.FileAccess,bool,int,bool,bool) 0x7f4884375f80 -
0x7f4884376160 0x7f488458503a

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.IO.MonoIO:GetFileType

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.FileStream:InitBuffer (int)
0x7f48843793c0 - 0x7f48843794e0 0x7f48845851b5

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.UnexceptionalStreamWriter:.ctor
(System.IO.Stream,System.Text.Encoding) 0x7f48843868f0 - 0x7f4884386910

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.Environment:get_NewLine ().

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for string:ToCharArray (int,int)
0x7f488430bf60 - 0x7f488430c0d0 0x7f4884581804

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.FileStream:get_CanWrite ()
0x7f4884376b60 - 0x7f4884376ba0 0x7f488458508b

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.StreamWriter:Initialize
(System.Text.Encoding,int) 0x7f48843825a0 - 0x7f4884382660 0x7f48845856c8

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.Stream:.cctor () 0x7f488437f0e0
- 0x7f488437f120 0x7f48845854dc

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.NullStream:.ctor ()
0x7f488437f9a0 - 0x7f488437f9c0 0x7f4884585542

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.StreamWriter:.cctor ()
0x7f4884382540 - 0x7f48843825a0 0x7f48845856bf

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.StreamWriter:.ctor
(System.IO.Stream,System.Text.Encoding,int) 0x7f4884382250 - 0x7f4884382350

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.NullStream:get_CanWrite ()
0x7f488437f9e0 - 0x7f488437f9f0 0x7f4884585548

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetMaxByteCount
(int) 0x7f48844adda0 - 0x7f48844addf0 0x7f488458f33d

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.NullStream:get_CanSeek ()
0x7f488437f9d0 - 0x7f488437f9e0 0x7f4884585546

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.NullStream:get_Position ()
0x7f488437fa00 - 0x7f488437fa10 0x7f488458554c

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.FileStream:get_CanSeek ()
0x7f4884376ba0 - 0x7f4884376bc0 0x7f488458508f

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.StreamWriter:set_AutoFlush
(bool) 0x7f4884382680 - 0x7f48843826c0 0x7f48845856d3

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.UnexceptionalStreamWriter:Flush
() 0x7f4884386a00 - 0x7f4884386a40 0x7f4884585965

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.StreamWriter:Decode ()
0x7f4884382960 - 0x7f4884382af0 0x7f48845856eb

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.TextWriter:Synchronized
(System.IO.TextWriter,bool) 0x7f4884384730 - 0x7f4884384860 0x7f488458580a

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.TextWriter:.cctor ()
0x7f48843845c0 - 0x7f4884384600 0x7f48845857e2

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.TextWriter/NullTextWriter:.ctor
() 0x7f4884385170 - 0x7f4884385190 0x7f48845858a1

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.SynchronizedWriter:.ctor
(System.IO.TextWriter,bool) 0x7f48843851f0 - 0x7f4884385230 0x7f48845858ad

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.ConsoleDriver:.cctor ()
0x7f48842cc900 - 0x7f48842cc990 0x7f488457f7fa

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.ConsoleDriver:get_IsConsole ()
0x7f48842cd460 - 0x7f48842cd4f0 0x7f488457f98c

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.IO.MonoIO:get_ConsoleOutput ().

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.ConsoleDriver:Isatty (intptr).

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.ConsoleDriver:CreateNullConsoleDriver () 0x7f48842cc990 - 0x7f48842cc9b0

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.ConsoleDriver:get_IsConsole ()
0x7f48842cd460 - 0x7f48842cd4f0 0x7f488457f98c

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Console:OpenStandardOutput (int)
0x7f48842cb390 - 0x7f48842cb3c0 0x7f488457f5fe

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Console:OpenStandardInput (int)
0x7f48842cb350 - 0x7f48842cb380 0x7f488457f5f6

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.IO.MonoIO:get_ConsoleInput ().

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.IO.UnexceptionalStreamReader:.cctor () 0x7f48843863f0 - 0x7f4884386470

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.UnexceptionalStreamReader:.ctor
(System.IO.Stream,System.Text.Encoding) 0x7f48843862a0 - 0x7f48843862c0

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.TextReader:.ctor ()
0x7f4884383e70 - 0x7f4884383e90 0x7f4884585789

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.TextReader:.cctor ()
0x7f4884383e90 - 0x7f4884383ed0 0x7f488458578d

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.TextReader/NullTextReader:.ctor
() 0x7f4884384210 - 0x7f4884384230 0x7f48845857c6

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.StreamReader:.cctor ()
0x7f4884380660 - 0x7f48843806b0 0x7f48845855c3

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.IO.StreamReader/NullStreamReader:.ctor () 0x7f4884382120 -
0x7f4884382140 0x7f488458568e

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.StreamReader:Initialize
(System.IO.Stream,System.Text.Encoding,bool,int) 0x7f48843806b0 -
0x7f4884380ac0 0x7f48845855cf

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.FileStream:get_CanRead ()
0x7f4884376b20 - 0x7f4884376b60 0x7f4884585087

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetMaxCharCount
(int) 0x7f48844addf0 - 0x7f48844ade40 0x7f488458f33f

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetDecoder ()
0x7f48844ade40 - 0x7f48844ade80 0x7f488458f341

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Text.Decoder:.ctor ()
0x7f488449fa00 - 0x7f488449fa40 0x7f488458ed23

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetPreamble ()
0x7f48844aded0 - 0x7f48844adf40 0x7f488458f349

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.TextReader:Synchronized
(System.IO.TextReader) 0x7f48843840f0 - 0x7f4884384210 0x7f48845857bb

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.SynchronizedReader:.ctor
(System.IO.TextReader) 0x7f4884384240 - 0x7f4884384270 0x7f48845857ca

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.GC:SuppressFinalize (object).

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.GC:.cctor () 0x7f48842f1090 -
0x7f48842f10b0 0x7f4884580cae

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.GC:get_ephemeron_tombstone ().

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.SynchronizedWriter:WriteLine
(string,object) 0x7f4884385e90 - 0x7f4884385f00 0x7f48845858ed

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.TextWriter:WriteLine
(string,object) 0x7f4884385030 - 0x7f4884385070 0x7f488458588d

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.TextWriter:Write
(string,object) 0x7f4884384b20 - 0x7f4884384b60 0x7f4884585845

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for string:Format (string,object)
0x7f4884311450 - 0x7f48843114a0 0x7f48845819e7

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for string:FormatHelper
0x7f4884311610 - 0x7f4884311d70 0x7f4884581a01

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Text.StringBuilder:.ctor (string)
0x7f48844a6440 - 0x7f48844a6490 0x7f488458f14b

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Text.StringBuilder:InternalEnsureCapacity (int) 0x7f48844a7ec0 -
0x7f48844a7ff0 0x7f488458f1ea

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for string:ParseFormatSpecifier
(string,int&,int&,int&,bool&,string&) 0x7f4884312e90 - 0x7f48843131a0

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for int:ToString
(string,System.IFormatProvider) 0x7f48842f64e0 - 0x7f48842f6510 0x7f4884580ebe

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.NumberFormatter:NumberToString
(string,int,System.IFormatProvider) 0x7f4884302770 - 0x7f48843027f0

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.NumberFormatter:.cctor ()
0x7f48843009d0 - 0x7f4884300a10 0x7f488458134a

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.NumberFormatter:GetFormatterTables

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.NumberFormatter:GetInstance ()
0x7f4884302330 - 0x7f4884302400 0x7f488458140a

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.NumberFormatter:.ctor
(System.Threading.Thread) 0x7f4884300970 - 0x7f48843009d0 0x7f4884581345

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Threading.Thread:get_CurrentCulture () 0x7f48844b4f90 - 0x7f48844b5170

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Thread:GetCachedCurrentCulture

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Thread:ByteArrayToCurrentDomain (byte[]).

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Globalization.CultureInfo:.cctor
() 0x7f48843566a0 - 0x7f4884356710 0x7f4884583cca

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Globalization.CultureInfo:.ctor
(int,bool,bool) 0x7f4884356430 - 0x7f4884356530 0x7f4884583cb6

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Globalization.CultureInfo:ConstructInvariant (bool) 0x7f48843581b0 -
0x7f4884358310 0x7f4884583e55

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo:get_InvariantInfo () 0x7f4884364700 -
0x7f4884364750 0x7f4884584716

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo:.cctor () 0x7f4884362f20 - 0x7f4884363070

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo:.ctor (int,bool) 0x7f4884362cb0 -
0x7f4884362ed0 0x7f488458461d

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo:.cctor () 0x7f4884359120 -
0x7f4884359820 0x7f4884583f2e

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo:get_InvariantInfo () 0x7f488435ac70 -
0x7f488435ace0 0x7f48845840a7

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo:.ctor (bool) 0x7f4884358f80 -
0x7f4884359100 0x7f4884583efa

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
(System.Globalization.GregorianCalendarTypes) 0x7f488435c900 - 0x7f488435c9b0

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
(System.Globalization.GregorianCalendarTypes) 0x7f488435cab0 - 0x7f488435cae0

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
(System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo) 0x7f48843598c0 - 0x7f4884359920

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo:Clone () 0x7f4884359920 -
0x7f4884359980 0x7f4884583fbd

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: object:MemberwiseClone ().

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo:FillInvariantPatterns () 0x7f488435b930
- 0x7f488435bad0 0x7f4884584124

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Globalization.CultureInfo:CreateTextInfo (bool) 0x7f4884358310 -
0x7f4884358370 0x7f4884583e68

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_Parent () 0x7f4884357340 - 0x7f4884357400

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_LCID
() 0x7f4884357220 - 0x7f4884357240 0x7f4884583d94

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Globalization.CultureInfo:ConstructCurrentCulture () 0x7f4884356870 -
0x7f48843568e0 0x7f4884583cef

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Globalization.CultureInfo:.ctor ()
0x7f4884356680 - 0x7f48843566a0 0x7f4884583cc6

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
(System.Globalization.CultureInfo) 0x7f4884358180 - 0x7f48843581b0


Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Thread:SetCachedCurrentCulture

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
(System.Globalization.CultureInfo) 0x7f4884302450 - 0x7f48843024f0

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.NumberFormatter:set_CurrentCulture
(System.Globalization.CultureInfo) 0x7f4884301cf0 - 0x7f4884301d50

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_IsReadOnly () 0x7f4884357f30 -
0x7f4884357f50 0x7f4884583e26

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_NumberFormat () 0x7f4884357bd0 -
0x7f4884357c90 0x7f4884583e00

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.Globalization.CultureInfo:CheckNeutral () 0x7f4884357b60 -
0x7f4884357bd0 0x7f4884583dfc

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Globalization.CultureGot an
element: 0
Info:get_IsNeutralCulture () 0x7f4884357b00 - 0x7f4884357b60 0x7f4884583df8

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureInfo:construct_number_format

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.NumberFormatter:Init
(string,int,int) 0x7f4884301300 - 0x7f48843013b0 0x7f488458139c

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.NumberFormatter:Init (string)
0x7f4884301120 - 0x7f4884301240 0x7f4884581392

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.NumberFormatter:InitHex (ulong)
0x7f4884301240 - 0x7f4884301300 0x7f4884581396

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.NumberFormatter:DecHexLen ()
0x7f4884300f20 - 0x7f4884300fa0 0x7f4884581382

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.NumberFormatter:IntegerToString
(string,System.IFormatProvider) 0x7f4884303000 - 0x7f48843031a0 0x7f488458146a

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for
System.NumberFormatter:GetNumberFormatInstance (System.IFormatProvider)
0x7f4884301cb0 - 0x7f4884301cf0 0x7f48845813ce

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.NumberFormatter:FormatDecimal
(int,System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo) 0x7f4884303840 - 0x7f48843038d0

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.NumberFormatter:Release ()
0x7f4884302400 - 0x7f4884302450 0x7f4884581414

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Text.StringBuilder:ToString ()
0x7f48844a6900 - 0x7f48844a69c0 0x7f488458f172

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.UnexceptionalStreamWriter:Write
(string) 0x7f4884386b40 - 0x7f4884386b90 0x7f488458596d

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.StreamWriter:LowLevelWrite
(string) 0x7f4884382e40 - 0x7f4884383070 0x7f488458570f

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetBytes
(char[],int,int,byte[],int) 0x7f48844ac520 - 0x7f48844ac5a0 0x7f488458f313

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.FileStream:Write
(byte[],int,int) 0x7f4884377ba0 - 0x7f4884377d90 0x7f4884585105

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.FileStream:WriteInternal
(byte[],int,int) 0x7f4884377d90 - 0x7f4884377fa0 0x7f488458510b

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.FileStream:FlushBuffer
(System.IO.Stream) 0x7f4884379030 - 0x7f4884379280 0x7f4884585195

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.IO.MonoIO:Write

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.FileStream:Flush ()
0x7f4884378740 - 0x7f48843787b0 0x7f4884585141

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.TextWriter:WriteLine ()
0x7f4884384d50 - 0x7f4884384d70 0x7f4884585859

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.UnexceptionalStreamWriter:Write
(char[]) 0x7f4884386af0 - 0x7f4884386b40 0x7f488458596b

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.StreamWriter:LowLevelWrite
(char[],int,int) 0x7f4884382c50 - 0x7f4884382e40 0x7f48845856ff

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: System.Buffer:BlockCopyInternal

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.IO.FileStream:WriteSegment
(byte[],int,int) 0x7f4884378e70 - 0x7f4884379030 0x7f4884585185

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.NumberFormatter:InitDecHexDigits
(uint) 0x7f4884300a40 - 0x7f4884300ab0 0x7f4884581360

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.NumberFormatter:ToDecHex (int)
0x7f4884300e40 - 0x7f4884300eb0 0x7f4884581376

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.NumberFormatter:FastToDecHex (int)
0x7f4884300d90 - 0x7f4884300e40 0x7f488458136c

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.NumberFormatter:DecHexLen (uint)
0x7f4884300ef0 - 0x7f4884300f20 0x7f488458137e

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.NumberFormatter:FastDecHexLen
(int) 0x7f4884300eb0 - 0x7f4884300ef0 0x7f488458137a

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.NumberFormatter:ResetCharBuf (int)
0x7f4884301a10 - 0x7f4884301a60 0x7f48845813b8

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for System.NumberFormatter:AppendDigits
(int,int) 0x7f48843051a0 - 0x7f48843054b0 0x7f48845814f6

Mono: AOT NOT FOUND: string:.ctor (char[],int,int).

Mono: AOT FOUND AOT compiled code for string:CreateString (char[],int,int)
0x7f48843141c0 - 0x7Got an element: 1
Got an element: 2
Got an element: 3
Got an element: 4
Got an element: 5
Got an element: 6
Got an element: 7
Got an element: 8
Got an element: 9
Got an element: 10
Got an element: 11
Got an element: 12
Got an element: 13
Got an element: 14
Got an element: 15
Got an element: 16
Got an element: 17
Got an element: 18

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