[Mono-bugs] [Bug 76441][Nor] Changed - gmcs confused by new() constraint

bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ximian.com bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ximian.com
Tue Oct 18 21:58:52 EDT 2005

Please do not reply to this email- if you want to comment on the bug, go to the
URL shown below and enter your comments there.

Changed by awaddell at fnfr.com.


--- shadow/76441	2005-10-17 12:47:15.000000000 -0400
+++ shadow/76441.tmp.7922	2005-10-18 21:58:52.000000000 -0400
@@ -88,6 +88,89 @@
 test cases that attempt to reference the Foundation.dll which expose
 gmcs.exe issues.  It's about 20-30 source files (just a guess), and I
 could zip them or tar them or whatever and provide the gmcs.exe line
 that I use to build it or even a UNIX Makefile.  Does this sound
 reasonable?  Like I said, I've tried to boil it down, but have not
 been successfull (at least on this one).
+------- Additional Comments From awaddell at fnfr.com  2005-10-18 21:58 -------
+Added test case.  To build:
+[awaddell at AWLNX awaddell]$ mkdir gmcsbug
+[awaddell at AWLNX awaddell]$ cd gmcsbug
+[awaddell at AWLNX gmcsbug]$ cp ../svt/main/bug.tar.gz .
+[awaddell at AWLNX gmcsbug]$ tar zxvf bug.tar.gz 
+[awaddell at AWLNX gmcsbug]$ cd Foundation/
+[awaddell at AWLNX Foundation]$ make
+make: `Foundation.dll' is up to date.
+[awaddell at AWLNX Foundation]$ make clean
+[awaddell at AWLNX Foundation]$ make
+gmcs -target:library -optimize- -noconfig -nowarn:1691,168,169,219,67
+ -out:Foundation.dll -define:DEBUG -define:TRACE -define:FIXME
+-define:MONO -defin
+e:HEADLESS   -reference:System -reference:System.Data
+-reference:System.Design -reference:System.Xml 
+Collections/CountLimitedCache.cs Collections/Dicti
+onaryQueue.cs Collections/IKeyedList.cs Collections/KeyedList.cs
+Collections/LinkedList.cs Collections/LinkedListNode.cs
+r.cs Collections/SerializableKeyedList.cs
+Collections/SizeLimitedCache.cs Collections/IInstanceFactory.cs
+Collections/IKeyedItem.cs Collections/Overrida
+bleList.cs Collections/SerializableList.cs
+Collections/OverridableQueue.cs Collections/SizeLimitedStack.cs
+Collections/ThreadSafeDictionary.cs Collectio
+ns/ThreadSafeStack.cs Common/Attributes.cs
+Common/CommandLineOptions.cs Common/FanfareWorkerThread.cs
+Common/HitCounter.cs Common/ICloneableFrom.cs Comm
+on/IContainerElement.cs Common/ILogger.cs Common/IParentChild.cs
+Common/IStateChangeNotifier.cs Common/ITextRenderable.cs
+Common/ITypeName.cs Common/Net
+Stat.cs Common/OperationCompleteEventArgs.cs
+Common/OperationProgressEventArgs.cs Common/PatternMatch.cs
+Common/RtfBuilder.cs Common/RaisesStateChangedA
+ttribute.cs Common/StringLogger.cs Common/TextRenderer.cs
+Common/TypeDescriptorContext.cs Diagnostics/ConsoleLogger.cs
+Diagnostics/FileLogger.cs Diagnos
+tics/Log.cs Diagnostics/Profiler.cs Document/Document.cs
+Document/DocumentDescriptor.cs Collections/ISerializableElement.cs
+mpleteEventArgs.cs Exceptions/AlreadyAssociatedException.cs
+Exceptions/EmptyKeyException.cs Exceptions/FanfareException.cs
+Exception.cs Exceptions/UniqueKeyViolationException.cs
+Exceptions/UnknownKeyException.cs Exceptions/UserCancelException.cs
+MissingFromMono.cs Properties
+/AssemblyInfo.cs Properties/Settings.Designer.cs
+Scripting/ScriptEngine.cs Scripting/ScriptEngineRequest.cs
+rgs.cs Scripting/ScriptEvalCompletedEventArgs.cs
+Scripting/ScriptEngine.cs(14,34): warning CS0414: The private field
+`Fanfare.Foundation.Scripting.ScriptEngine._CreateCompleted' is
+assigned but its val
+ue is never used
+Compilation succeeded - 1 warning(s)
+[awaddell at AWLNX Foundation]$ cd ConsoleApplication1/
+[awaddell at AWLNX ConsoleApplication1]$ make clean
+rm -f ConsoleApplication1.exe
+[awaddell at AWLNX ConsoleApplication1]$ make
+gmcs -target:exe -optimize- -noconfig -nowarn:1691,168,169,219,67 
+-out:ConsoleApplication1.exe -define:DEBUG -define:TRACE -define:FIXME
+-define:MONO -
+define:HEADLESS   -reference:System -reference:System.Data
+-reference:System.Xml -reference:../Foundation.dll Program.cs
+Program.cs(60,17): error CS0310: The type
+`ConsoleApplication1.Program+Foo' must have a public parameterless
+constructor in order to use it as parameter
+ `TItem' in the generic type or method
+Compilation failed: 1 error(s), 0 warnings
+make: *** [ConsoleApplication1.exe] Error 1
+[awaddell at AWLNX ConsoleApplication1]$ This error is the bug!

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