[Mono-bugs] [Bug 60620][Nor] Changed - temp_srcport = *(short *)&fixed_buf[e.HeaderLength];
Sat, 16 Apr 2005 17:21:06 -0400 (EDT)
Please do not reply to this email- if you want to comment on the bug, go to the
URL shown below and enter your comments there.
Changed by miguel@ximian.com.
--- shadow/60620 2004-12-10 22:20:07.000000000 -0500
+++ shadow/60620.tmp.25293 2005-04-16 17:21:06.000000000 -0400
@@ -47,6 +47,292 @@
------- Additional Comments From miguel@ximian.com 2004-07-26 12:00 -------
This is a simple bug of our metric to determine if something is
fixed or not; I do not think it is quite finished, it has only
a few common hard-coded values, and does not really do the semantic
work necessary.
+------- Additional Comments From miguel@ximian.com 2005-04-16 17:21 -------
+//This file contains the RawSocket class. The goal of this class is
+to have a generic packet
+//sniffing kind of class that fires events when an incoming IP packet
+is received. The event
+//gives the user access to everything contained in the IP packet and
+hopefully makes creating
+//your own packet sniffer quite easy. The event args returned with
+the event give the user of
+//the class access to things like the from and to IP address, ports,
+protocol, etc. and even the
+//contents of the message in the form of a byte array.
+namespace ReceiveAll
+ using System;
+ using System.Net;
+ using System.Net.Sockets;
+ using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+ [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)]
+ public struct IPHeader
+ {
+ [FieldOffset(0)] public byte ip_verlen; //IP version and IP
+Header length Combined
+ [FieldOffset(1)] public byte ip_tos; //Type of Service
+ [FieldOffset(2)] public ushort ip_totallength; //Total Packet Length
+ [FieldOffset(4)] public ushort ip_id; //Unique ID
+ [FieldOffset(6)] public ushort ip_offset; //Flags and Offset
+ [FieldOffset(8)] public byte ip_ttl; //Time To Live
+ [FieldOffset(9)] public byte ip_protocol; //Protocol (TCP, UDP,
+ICMP, Etc.)
+ [FieldOffset(10)] public ushort ip_checksum; //IP Header Checksum
+ [FieldOffset(12)] public uint ip_srcaddr; //Source IP Address
+ [FieldOffset(16)] public uint ip_destaddr; //Destination IP Address
+ }
+ public class RawSocket
+ {
+ private bool error_occurred;
+ public bool KeepRunning;
+ private static int len_receive_buf;
+ byte [] receive_buf_bytes;
+ private Socket socket = null;
+ public RawSocket()
+ {
+ error_occurred=false;
+ len_receive_buf = 4096;
+ receive_buf_bytes = new byte[len_receive_buf];
+ }
+ public void CreateAndBindSocket(string IP)
+ {
+ socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Raw,
+ socket.Blocking = false;
+ socket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(IP), 0));
+ if (SetSocketOption()==false) error_occurred=true;
+ }
+ public void Shutdown()
+ {
+ if(socket != null)
+ {
+ socket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both);
+ socket.Close();
+ }
+ }
+ private bool SetSocketOption()
+ {
+ bool ret_value = true;
+ try
+ {
+ socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.IP,
+SocketOptionName.HeaderIncluded, 1);
+ byte []IN = new byte[4]{1, 0, 0, 0};
+ byte []OUT = new byte[4];
+ int SIO_RCVALL = unchecked((int)0x98000001);
+ int ret_code = socket.IOControl(SIO_RCVALL, IN, OUT);
+ ret_code = OUT[0] + OUT[1] + OUT[2] + OUT[3];
+ if(ret_code != 0) ret_value = false;
+ }
+ catch(SocketException)
+ {
+ ret_value = false;
+ }
+ return ret_value;
+ }
+ public bool ErrorOccurred
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return error_occurred;
+ }
+ }
+ unsafe private void Receive(byte [] buf, int len)
+ {
+ byte temp_protocol=0;
+ uint temp_version=0;
+ uint temp_ip_srcaddr=0;
+ uint temp_ip_destaddr=0;
+ short temp_srcport=0;
+ short temp_dstport=0;
+ IPAddress temp_ip;
+ PacketArrivedEventArgs e=new PacketArrivedEventArgs();
+ fixed(byte *fixed_buf = buf)
+ {
+ IPHeader * head = (IPHeader *) fixed_buf;
+ e.HeaderLength=(uint)(head->ip_verlen & 0x0F) << 2;
+ temp_protocol = head->ip_protocol;
+ switch(temp_protocol)
+ {
+ case 1: e.Protocol="ICMP:"; break;
+ case 2: e.Protocol="IGMP:"; break;
+ case 6: e.Protocol="TCP:"; break;
+ case 17: e.Protocol="UDP:"; break;
+ default: e.Protocol= "UNKNOWN"; break;
+ }
+ temp_version =(uint)(head->ip_verlen & 0xF0) >> 4;
+ e.IPVersion = temp_version.ToString();
+ temp_ip_srcaddr = head->ip_srcaddr;
+ temp_ip_destaddr = head->ip_destaddr;
+ temp_ip = new IPAddress(temp_ip_srcaddr);
+ e.OriginationAddress =temp_ip.ToString();
+ temp_ip = new IPAddress(temp_ip_destaddr);
+ e.DestinationAddress = temp_ip.ToString();
+ temp_srcport = *(short *)&fixed_buf[e.HeaderLength];
+ temp_dstport = *(short *)&fixed_buf[e.HeaderLength+2];
+ e.PacketLength =(uint)len;
+ e.MessageLength =(uint)len - e.HeaderLength;
+ e.ReceiveBuffer=buf;
+ Array.Copy(buf,0,e.IPHeaderBuffer,0,(int)e.HeaderLength);
+ }
+ OnPacketArrival(e);
+ }
+ public void Run()
+ {
+ IAsyncResult ar = socket.BeginReceive(receive_buf_bytes, 0,
+len_receive_buf, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(CallReceive), this);
+ }
+ private void CallReceive(IAsyncResult ar)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ int received_bytes;
+ received_bytes = socket.EndReceive(ar);
+ Receive(receive_buf_bytes, received_bytes);
+ }
+ catch {} //ignore all network errors ;)
+ if (KeepRunning) Run();
+ }
+ public class PacketArrivedEventArgs : EventArgs
+ {
+ public PacketArrivedEventArgs()
+ {
+ this.protocol = "";
+ this.destination_port = "";
+ this.origination_port = "";
+ this.destination_address = "";
+ this.origination_address = "";
+ this.ip_version = "";
+ this.total_packet_length =0;
+ this.message_length =0;
+ this.header_length =0;
+ this.receive_buf_bytes=new byte[len_receive_buf];
+ this.ip_header_bytes=new byte[len_receive_buf];
+ this.message_bytes=new byte[len_receive_buf];
+ }
+ public string Protocol
+ {
+ get {return protocol;}
+ set {protocol=value;}
+ }
+ public string DestinationPort
+ {
+ get {return destination_port;}
+ set {destination_port=value;}
+ }
+ public string OriginationPort
+ {
+ get {return origination_port;}
+ set {origination_port=value;}
+ }
+ public string DestinationAddress
+ {
+ get {return destination_address;}
+ set {destination_address=value;}
+ }
+ public string OriginationAddress
+ {
+ get {return origination_address;}
+ set {origination_address=value;}
+ }
+ public string IPVersion
+ {
+ get {return ip_version;}
+ set {ip_version=value;}
+ }
+ public uint PacketLength
+ {
+ get {return total_packet_length;}
+ set {total_packet_length=value;}
+ }
+ public uint MessageLength
+ {
+ get {return message_length;}
+ set {message_length=value;}
+ }
+ public uint HeaderLength
+ {
+ get {return header_length;}
+ set {header_length=value;}
+ }
+ public byte [] ReceiveBuffer
+ {
+ get {return receive_buf_bytes;}
+ set {receive_buf_bytes=value;}
+ }
+ public byte [] IPHeaderBuffer
+ {
+ get {return ip_header_bytes;}
+ set {ip_header_bytes=value;}
+ }
+ public byte [] MessageBuffer
+ {
+ get {return message_bytes;}
+ set {message_bytes=value;}
+ }
+ private string protocol;
+ private string destination_port;
+ private string origination_port;
+ private string destination_address;
+ private string origination_address;
+ private string ip_version;
+ private uint total_packet_length;
+ private uint message_length;
+ private uint header_length;
+ private byte []receive_buf_bytes = null;
+ private byte []ip_header_bytes = null;
+ private byte []message_bytes = null;
+ }
+ public delegate void PacketArrivedEventHandler(
+ Object sender, PacketArrivedEventArgs args);
+ public event PacketArrivedEventHandler PacketArrival;
+ protected virtual void OnPacketArrival(PacketArrivedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (PacketArrival != null)
+ {
+ PacketArrival(this, e);
+ }
+ }
+ }