[Mono-bugs] [Bug 55793][Wis] New - Assertion Failure in reflection.c at line line 6210
Fri, 19 Mar 2004 02:49:16 -0500 (EST)
Please do not reply to this email- if you want to comment on the bug, go to the
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Changed by nvineeth@yahoo.com.
--- shadow/55793 2004-03-19 02:49:16.000000000 -0500
+++ shadow/55793.tmp.4707 2004-03-19 02:49:16.000000000 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,751 @@
+Bug#: 55793
+Product: Mono: Runtime
+Version: unspecified
+OS: Red Hat 9.0
+OS Details:
+Status: NEW
+Severity: Unknown
+Priority: Wishlist
+Component: misc
+AssignedTo: mono-bugs@ximian.com
+ReportedBy: nvineeth@yahoo.com
+QAContact: mono-bugs@ximian.com
+TargetMilestone: ---
+Summary: Assertion Failure in reflection.c at line line 6210
+Please fill in this template when reporting a bug, unless you know what you
+are doing.
+Description of Problem:
+i got this failure when i ran the test case for
+The error message looks like this:
+** ERROR **: file reflection.c: line 6210
+(mono_reflection_get_custom_attrs_blob): assertion failed:
+(mono_array_length (ctorArgs) == sig->param_count)
+./run_test.sh: line 26: 11666 Aborted MONO_PATH=$MONO_PATH
+mono --debug ${NUNITCONSOLE} ../corlib_test.dll $fixture
+// CustomAttributeBuilderTest.cs
+// Author: Vineeth N <nvineeth@yahoo.com>
+// (C) 2004 Ximian, Inc. http://www.ximian.com
+using System;
+using System.Reflection;
+using System.Reflection.Emit;
+using System.Threading;
+using NUnit.Framework;
+namespace MonoTests.System.Reflection.Emit
+ /// <summary>
+ /// TestFixture for CustomAttributeBuilderTest.
+ /// The members to be tested are as follows:
+ /// 4 constructors:
+ /// 1) public CustomAttributeBuilder(ConstructorInfo, object[]);
+ /// 2) public CustomAttributeBuilder(ConstructorInfo, object[],
+FieldInfo[], object[]);
+ /// 3) public CustomAttributeBuilder(ConstructorInfo, object[],
+PropertyInfo[], object[]);
+ /// 4) public CustomAttributeBuilder(ConstructorInfo, object[],
+PropertyInfo[], object[], FieldInfo[], object[]);
+ /// and the exceptions that are thrown.
+ /// In the implementation , it can be seen that the first
+ /// three type of constructors call the 4th type of ctor, which takes 6 args
+ /// by filling args and substituting null as required.
+ /// For testing constructors we have use 4 different test functions,
+ /// Various exceptions have been checked for 4th type of consturctor.
+ /// </summary>
+ [TestFixture]
+ public class CustomAttributeBuilderTest : Assertion
+ {
+ // the CustomAttribute class is used for testing and it has to be public
+ //since it will be associated with a class that belongs to another assembly
+ [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Field |
+ public class CustomAttribute: Attribute
+ {
+ private string attr1;
+ private string attr2;
+ public string Feild; //used for testing the second type of constructor
+ public CustomAttribute(){}
+ public CustomAttribute( String s1 , String s2)
+ {
+ attr1 = s1;
+ attr2=s2;
+ }
+ private CustomAttribute( String s1){}
+ static CustomAttribute(){}
+ public string AttributeOne
+ {
+ get{return attr1;}
+ set{attr1 = value;}
+ }
+ public string AttributeTwo
+ {
+ get{ return attr2; }
+ //the set is skipped and is used later in testing
+ }
+ }
+ private class TempClass
+ {
+ //used for testing the ArgumentException
+ public string Field;
+ public string FieldProperty
+ {
+ get{ return Field; }
+ set{ Field = value; }
+ }
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void CtorOneTest()
+ {
+ //test for the constructor with signature--
+ // public CustomAttributeBuilder(ConstructorInfo, object[]);
+ /*
+ * WE build a imaginary type as follows
+ * class TestType
+ * {
+ * [CustomAttribute("one","two")]
+ * public string Str;
+ *
+ * [CustomAttribute("hello","world")]
+ * public void Print()
+ * {Console.WriteLine("Hello World"); }
+ *
+ * }
+ * And then check for the validity of attributes in the test functions
+ */
+ AssemblyName asmName = new AssemblyName();
+ asmName.Name = "TestAssembly.dll";
+ AssemblyBuilder asmBuilder = Thread.GetDomain().DefineDynamicAssembly(
+ asmName , AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);
+ ModuleBuilder modBuilder = asmBuilder.DefineDynamicModule("TestModule");
+ TypeBuilder typeBuilder = modBuilder.DefineType("TestType",
+ TypeAttributes.Public);
+ Type[] ctorParams = new Type[] { typeof(string),typeof(string) };
+ ConstructorInfo classCtorInfo =
+ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetConstructor(ctorParams);
+ CustomAttributeBuilder feildCABuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(
+ classCtorInfo,
+ new object[] { "one","two" }
+ )
+ ,
+ methodCABuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(
+ classCtorInfo,
+ new object[] {"hello","world"}
+ );
+ //now let's build a feild of type string and associate a attribute with it
+ FieldBuilder fieldBuilder= typeBuilder.DefineField("Str",
+ typeof(string),FieldAttributes.Public);
+ fieldBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(feildCABuilder);
+ //now build a method
+ MethodBuilder methodBuilder= typeBuilder.DefineMethod("Print",
+ MethodAttributes.Public,null,null);
+ methodBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(methodCABuilder);
+ ILGenerator methodIL = methodBuilder.GetILGenerator();
+ methodIL.EmitWriteLine("Hello, world!");
+ methodIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ret);
+ // create the type
+ Type myType = typeBuilder.CreateType();
+ //Now check for the validity of the attributes.
+ object testInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(myType);
+ //check the validity of the attribute associated with Print method
+ object []methodAttrs =
+ AssertEquals("#method Print has exactly one
+ CustomAttribute methodAttr = methodAttrs[0] as CustomAttribute;
+ AssertEquals("#AttributeOne", methodAttr.AttributeOne , "hello");
+ AssertEquals("#AttributeTwo", methodAttr.AttributeTwo , "world");
+ //check the validity of the attribute associated with Str feild
+ object[] fieldAttrs = myType.GetField("Str").GetCustomAttributes(true);
+ AssertEquals("#feild Str has exactly one attribute",fieldAttrs.Length,1);
+ CustomAttribute fieldAttr = fieldAttrs[0] as CustomAttribute;
+ AssertEquals("#AttributeOne", fieldAttr.AttributeOne , "one");
+ AssertEquals("#AttributeTwo", fieldAttr.AttributeTwo , "two");
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void CtorTwoTest()
+ {
+ //test for the constructor with signature--
+ // CustomAttributeBuilder Constructor (ConstructorInfo, Object[],
+FieldInfo[], Object[]) ;
+ /*
+ * WE build a imaginary type as follows
+ * [CustomAttribute("Test","Type")]
+ * public class TestType
+ * {
+ *
+ * }
+ * We also set the "Feild" of class CustomAttribute and the value;
+ * And then check for the validity of attributes in the test functions
+ */
+ AssemblyName asmName = new AssemblyName();
+ asmName.Name = "TestAssembly.dll";
+ AssemblyBuilder asmBuilder = Thread.GetDomain().DefineDynamicAssembly(
+ asmName , AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);
+ ModuleBuilder modBuilder = asmBuilder.DefineDynamicModule("TestModule");
+ TypeBuilder typeBuilder = modBuilder.DefineType("TestType",
+ TypeAttributes.Public);
+ Type[] ctorParams = new Type[] { typeof(string),typeof(string) };
+ ConstructorInfo classCtorInfo =
+ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetConstructor(ctorParams);
+ CustomAttributeBuilder typeCABuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(
+ classCtorInfo,
+ new object[] { "Test","Type" },
+ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetFields(),
+ new object[] {"TestCase"}
+ );
+ typeBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(typeCABuilder);
+ // create the type
+ Type myType = typeBuilder.CreateType();
+ //Now check for the validity of the attributes.
+ object testInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(myType);
+ //check the validity of the attribute associated with Print method
+ object[] customAttrs = myType.GetCustomAttributes(true);
+ AssertEquals("#TestType has exactly one attribute",customAttrs.Length , 1);
+ //Custom Attributes of TestType
+ CustomAttribute attr = customAttrs[0] as CustomAttribute;
+ AssertEquals("#AttributeOne", attr.AttributeOne , "Test");
+ AssertEquals("#AttributeTwo", attr.AttributeTwo , "Type");
+ AssertEquals("#CustomAttribute.Feild",attr.Feild , "TestCase");
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void CtorThreeTest()
+ {
+ //test for the constructor with signature--
+ // CustomAttributeBuilder Constructor (ConstructorInfo, Object[],
+PropertyInfo[], Object[]) ;
+ /*
+ * WE build a imaginary type as follows
+ * [CustomAttribute()]
+ * public class TestType
+ * {
+ *
+ * }
+ * We also set the "AttributeOne" of class CustomAttribute by means of
+the constuctor
+ * And then check for the validity of attribute state
+ */
+ AssemblyName asmName = new AssemblyName();
+ asmName.Name = "TestAssembly.dll";
+ AssemblyBuilder asmBuilder = Thread.GetDomain().DefineDynamicAssembly(
+ asmName , AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);
+ ModuleBuilder modBuilder = asmBuilder.DefineDynamicModule("TestModule");
+ TypeBuilder typeBuilder = modBuilder.DefineType("TestType",
+ TypeAttributes.Public);
+ Type[] ctorParams = new Type[] { };
+ ConstructorInfo classCtorInfo =
+ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetConstructor(ctorParams);
+ CustomAttributeBuilder typeCABuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(
+ classCtorInfo,
+ new object[] { },
+ new PropertyInfo[]{ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetProperty("AttributeOne") },
+ new object[] {"TestCase"}
+ );
+ typeBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(typeCABuilder);
+ // create the type
+ Type myType = typeBuilder.CreateType();
+ //Now check for the validity of the attributes.
+ object testInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(myType);
+ //check the validity of the attribute associated with Print method
+ object[] customAttrs = myType.GetCustomAttributes(true);
+ AssertEquals("#TestType has exactly one attribute",customAttrs.Length , 1);
+ //Custom Attributes of TestType
+ CustomAttribute attr = customAttrs[0] as CustomAttribute;
+ AssertEquals("#AttributeOne", attr.AttributeOne , "TestCase");
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void CtorFourTest()
+ {
+ //test for the constructor with signature--
+ //public CustomAttributeBuilder(ConstructorInfo, object[],
+PropertyInfo[], object[], FieldInfo[], object[]);
+ /*
+ * WE build a imaginary type as follows
+ * [CustomAttribute()]
+ * public class TestType
+ * {
+ *
+ * }
+ * We also set the "AttributeOne" property ,
+ * and "Feild" of class CustomAttribute
+ * by means of the constuctor of CustomAttributeBuilder
+ * And then check for the validity
+ */
+ AssemblyName asmName = new AssemblyName();
+ asmName.Name = "TestAssembly.dll";
+ AssemblyBuilder asmBuilder = Thread.GetDomain().DefineDynamicAssembly(
+ asmName , AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);
+ ModuleBuilder modBuilder = asmBuilder.DefineDynamicModule("TestModule");
+ TypeBuilder typeBuilder = modBuilder.DefineType("TestType",
+ TypeAttributes.Public);
+ Type[] ctorParams = new Type[] { };
+ ConstructorInfo classCtorInfo =
+ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetConstructor(ctorParams);
+ CustomAttributeBuilder typeCABuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(
+ classCtorInfo,
+ new object[] { },
+ new PropertyInfo[]{ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetProperty("AttributeOne") },
+ new object[] {"TestCase"},
+ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetFields(),
+ new object[]{"FieldValue"}
+ );
+ typeBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(typeCABuilder);
+ // create the type
+ Type myType = typeBuilder.CreateType();
+ //Now check for the validity of the attributes.
+ object testInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(myType);
+ //check the validity of the attribute associated with Print method
+ object[] customAttrs = myType.GetCustomAttributes(true);
+ AssertEquals("#TestType has exactly one attribute",customAttrs.Length , 1);
+ //Custom Attributes of TestType
+ CustomAttribute attr = customAttrs[0] as CustomAttribute;
+ AssertEquals("#AttributeOne", attr.AttributeOne , "TestCase");
+ AssertEquals("#Field ", attr.Feild , "FieldValue");
+ }
+ [Test]
+ [ExpectedException( typeof(ArgumentException))]
+ public void ArgumentExceptionTest_1()
+ {
+ //here the constructor is static
+ Type[] ctorParams = new Type[] { };
+ ConstructorInfo classCtorInfo =
+ CustomAttributeBuilder typeCABuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(
+ classCtorInfo,
+ new object[] { },
+ new PropertyInfo[]{ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetProperty("AttributeOne") },
+ new object[] {"TestCase"},
+ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetFields(),
+ new object[]{"FieldValue"}
+ );
+ }
+ [Test]
+ [ExpectedException( typeof(ArgumentException))]
+ public void ArgumentExceptionTest_2()
+ {
+ //here the consturctor is private
+ Type[] ctorParams = new Type[] {typeof(string) };
+ ConstructorInfo classCtorInfo =
+ Assert("#Custom Attribute has private constuctor ",classCtorInfo!=null);
+ CustomAttributeBuilder typeCABuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(
+ classCtorInfo,
+ new object[] {"hello"},
+ new PropertyInfo[]{ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetProperty("AttributeOne") },
+ new object[] {"TestCase"},
+ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetFields(),
+ new object[]{"FieldValue"}
+ );
+ }
+ [Test]
+ [ExpectedException( typeof(ArgumentException))]
+ public void ArgumentExceptionTest_3()
+ {
+ // The lengths of the namedProperties and
+ //propertyValues arrays are different.
+ Type[] ctorParams = new Type[] { };
+ ConstructorInfo classCtorInfo =
+ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetConstructor(ctorParams);
+ CustomAttributeBuilder typeCABuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(
+ classCtorInfo,
+ new object[] { },
+ new PropertyInfo[]{ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetProperty("AttributeOne") },
+ new object[] {"TestCase","extra arg"},//<--here is the error
+ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetFields(),
+ new object[]{"FieldValue"}
+ );
+ }
+ [Test]
+ [ExpectedException( typeof(ArgumentException))]
+ public void ArgumentExceptionTest_4()
+ {
+ //The length of the namedFields and
+ //namedValues are different
+ Type[] ctorParams = new Type[] { };
+ ConstructorInfo classCtorInfo =
+ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetConstructor(ctorParams);
+ CustomAttributeBuilder typeCABuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(
+ classCtorInfo,
+ new object[] { },
+ new PropertyInfo[]{ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetProperty("AttributeOne") },
+ new object[] {"TestCase"},
+ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetFields(),
+ new object[]{}//<--here is the error
+ );
+ }
+ [Test]
+ [ExpectedException( typeof(ArgumentException))]
+ public void ArgumentExceptionTest_5()
+ {
+ //The number of supplied arguments does not match
+ //the number of parameters of the constructor as
+ //required by the calling convention of the constructor
+ Type[] ctorParams = new Type[] { };
+ ConstructorInfo classCtorInfo =
+ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetConstructor(ctorParams);
+ CustomAttributeBuilder typeCABuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(
+ classCtorInfo,
+ new object[] {"extra1","extra2" },//<--here is the error
+ new PropertyInfo[]{ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetProperty("AttributeOne") },
+ new object[] {"TestCase"},
+ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetFields(),
+ new object[]{"FeildValue"}
+ );
+ }
+ [Test]
+ [ExpectedException( typeof(ArgumentException))]
+ public void ArgumentExceptionTest_6()
+ {
+ //The type of supplied argument does not
+ //match the type of the parameter declared
+ //in the constructor.
+ Type[] ctorParams = new Type[] {typeof(string),typeof(string) };
+ ConstructorInfo classCtorInfo =
+ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetConstructor(ctorParams);
+ CustomAttributeBuilder typeCABuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(
+ classCtorInfo,
+ new object[] {"1",123 },//<--here is the error,(int instead of string)
+ new PropertyInfo[]{ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetProperty("AttributeOne") },
+ new object[] {"TestCase"},
+ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetFields(),
+ new object[]{"FeildValue"}
+ );
+ }
+ [Test]
+ [ExpectedException( typeof(ArgumentException))]
+ public void ArgumentExceptionTest_7()
+ {
+ //A property has no setter.(CustomAttribute.AttributeTwo)
+ Type[] ctorParams = new Type[] {typeof(string),typeof(string) };
+ ConstructorInfo classCtorInfo =
+ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetConstructor(ctorParams);
+ CustomAttributeBuilder typeCABuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(
+ classCtorInfo,
+ new object[] {"1","2" },
+ new PropertyInfo[]{ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetProperty("AttributeTwo") },
+ new object[] {"TestCase"},
+ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetFields(),
+ new object[]{"FeildValue"}
+ );
+ }
+ [Test]
+ [ExpectedException( typeof(ArgumentException))]
+ public void ArgumentExceptionTest_8()
+ {
+ //A property doesnot belong to same class
+ Type[] ctorParams = new Type[] {typeof(string),typeof(string) };
+ ConstructorInfo classCtorInfo =
+ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetConstructor(ctorParams);
+ CustomAttributeBuilder typeCABuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(
+ classCtorInfo,
+ new object[] {"1","2" },
+ new
+PropertyInfo[]{typeof(TempClass).GetProperty("FieldProperty")},//here is
+the erro
+ new object[] {"TestCase"},
+ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetFields(),
+ new object[]{"FeildValue"}
+ );
+ }
+ [Test]
+ [ExpectedException( typeof(ArgumentException))]
+ public void ArgumentExceptionTest_9()
+ {
+ //A field doesnot belong to same class
+ Type[] ctorParams = new Type[] {typeof(string),typeof(string) };
+ ConstructorInfo classCtorInfo =
+ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetConstructor(ctorParams);
+ CustomAttributeBuilder typeCABuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(
+ classCtorInfo,
+ new object[] {"1","2" },
+ new PropertyInfo[]{ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetProperty("AttributeOne") },
+ new object[] {"TestCase"},
+ typeof(TempClass).GetFields(),//<-- fields of TempClass are passed
+ new object[]{"FeildValue"}
+ );
+ }
+ [Test]
+ [ExpectedException( typeof(ArgumentException))]
+ public void ArgumentExceptionTest_10()
+ {
+ //The types of the property values do
+ //not match the types of the named properties.
+ Type[] ctorParams = new Type[] {typeof(string),typeof(string) };
+ ConstructorInfo classCtorInfo =
+ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetConstructor(ctorParams);
+ CustomAttributeBuilder typeCABuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(
+ classCtorInfo,
+ new object[] {"1","2" },
+ new PropertyInfo[]{ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetProperty("AttributeOne") },
+ new object[] {(long)1212121212},//<---type mismatch error(long for string)
+ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetFields(),
+ new object[]{"FeildValue"}
+ );
+ }
+ [Test]
+ [ExpectedException( typeof(ArgumentException))]
+ public void ArgumentExceptionTest_11()
+ {
+ //The types of the field values do
+ //not match the types of the named properties.
+ Type[] ctorParams = new Type[] {typeof(string),typeof(string) };
+ ConstructorInfo classCtorInfo =
+ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetConstructor(ctorParams);
+ Assert("#ctor not null",classCtorInfo!=null);
+ CustomAttributeBuilder typeCABuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(
+ classCtorInfo,
+ new object[] {"1","2" },
+ new PropertyInfo[]{ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetProperty("AttributeOne") },
+ new object[] {"One"},
+ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetFields(),
+ new object[]{12.1212}//<---type mismatch error(double for string)
+ );
+ }
+ [Test]
+ [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentNullException))]
+ public void ArgumentNullException_1()
+ {
+ //the ctor value array (2nd argument) is null
+ Type[] ctorParams = new Type[] {typeof(string),typeof(string) };
+ ConstructorInfo classCtorInfo =
+ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetConstructor(ctorParams);
+ Assert("#ctor not null",classCtorInfo!=null);
+ CustomAttributeBuilder typeCABuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(
+ classCtorInfo,
+ null,//<-- here is the error
+ new PropertyInfo[]{ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetProperty("AttributeOne") },
+ new object[] {"One"},
+ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetFields(),
+ new object[]{"feild"}
+ );
+ }
+ [Test]
+ [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentNullException))]
+ public void ArgumentNullException_2()
+ {
+ //the property value array (4th argument) is null
+ Type[] ctorParams = new Type[] {typeof(string),typeof(string) };
+ ConstructorInfo classCtorInfo =
+ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetConstructor(ctorParams);
+ Assert("#ctor not null",classCtorInfo!=null);
+ CustomAttributeBuilder typeCABuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(
+ classCtorInfo,
+ new object[]{"one","two"},
+ new PropertyInfo[]{ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetProperty("AttributeOne") },
+ null,//<-- here is the error
+ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetFields(),
+ new object[]{"feild"}
+ );
+ }
+ [Test]
+ [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentNullException))]
+ public void ArgumentNullException_3()
+ {
+ //the field value array (6th argument) is null
+ Type[] ctorParams = new Type[] {typeof(string),typeof(string) };
+ ConstructorInfo classCtorInfo =
+ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetConstructor(ctorParams);
+ Assert("#ctor not null",classCtorInfo!=null);
+ CustomAttributeBuilder typeCABuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(
+ classCtorInfo,
+ new object[]{"one","two"},
+ new PropertyInfo[]{ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetProperty("AttributeOne") },
+ new object[]{"property"},
+ typeof(CustomAttribute).GetFields(),
+ null//<-- here is the error
+ );
+ }
+ }
+Steps to reproduce the problem:
+1. place the test case in corlib/Test/System.Reflection.Emit
+2. then " make test " in mcs subfolder and do some changes to
+3. ./run_test.sh System.Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilderTest
+Actual Results:
+** ERROR **: file reflection.c: line 6210
+(mono_reflection_get_custom_attrs_blob): assertion failed:
+(mono_array_length (ctorArgs) == sig->param_count)
+./run_test.sh: line 26: 11666 Aborted MONO_PATH=$MONO_PATH
+mono --debug ${NUNITCONSOLE} ../corlib_test.dll $fixture
+Expected Results:
+This test case ran successfully on .NET 1.1
+How often does this happen?
+I tried after an anonymous cvs update, the problem persists
+Additional Information: