[Mono-bugs] [Bug 61855][Cri] New - Bug running aplicattion with aditional info

bugzilla-daemon@bugzilla.ximian.com bugzilla-daemon@bugzilla.ximian.com
Thu, 22 Jul 2004 16:48:01 -0400 (EDT)

Please do not reply to this email- if you want to comment on the bug, go to the
URL shown below and enter your comments there.

Changed by jonathan@staffinformatica.com.br.


--- shadow/61855	2004-07-22 16:48:01.000000000 -0400
+++ shadow/61855.tmp.9962	2004-07-22 16:48:01.000000000 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
+Bug#: 61855
+Product: Mono: Runtime
+Version: unspecified
+OS: SUSE 9.0
+OS Details: 
+Status: NEW   
+Severity: Unknown
+Priority: Critical
+Component: misc
+AssignedTo: mono-bugs@ximian.com                            
+ReportedBy: jonathan@staffinformatica.com.br               
+QAContact: mono-bugs@ximian.com
+TargetMilestone: ---
+Summary: Bug running aplicattion with aditional info
+We have a REAL WORLD Web aplicattion that did build in C#. Many of own 
+WebControls was inherited from base webcontrol (ie. button, listbox, 
+imagebutton). This Webcontrols receive a lot of proprieties, and one of 
+propriety is a ENUM. When us running app from browser we received err 
+Steps to reproduce the problem:
+1. Install mono and XSP
+2. start xpd (mono /usr/bin/xsp.exe)
+3. Go to browser and type (http://localhost:8080)
+Actual Results:
+We received a following errno
+Error message: /tmp/38222.cs(167,0) : error CS0119: Expression denotes a 
+`type' where a `variable, value' was expected /tmp/38222.cs(167,0) : error 
+CS0103: The name `EstiloTexto.Texto' could not be found in 
+the complete code is
+Line 1: // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+Line 2: //  <autogenerated>
+Line 3: //      This code was generated by a tool.
+Line 4: //      Mono Runtime Version: 1.1.4322.573
+Line 5: // 
+Line 6: //      Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will 
+be lost if 
+Line 7: //      the code is regenerated.
+Line 8: //  </autogenerated>
+Line 9: // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+Line 10: 
+Line 11: namespace ASP {
+Line 12:     using System;
+Line 13:     using System.Collections;
+Line 14:     using System.Collections.Specialized;
+Line 15:     using System.Configuration;
+Line 16:     using System.Text;
+Line 17:     using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+Line 18:     using System.Web;
+Line 19:     using System.Web.Caching;
+Line 20:     using System.Web.Security;
+Line 21:     using System.Web.SessionState;
+Line 22:     using System.Web.UI;
+Line 23:     using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
+Line 24:     using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
+Line 25:     using Staff.Components.Web;
+Line 26: 
+Line 27:     public class LoginForm_aspx : 
+System.Web.SessionState.IRequiresSessionState {
+Line 28: 
+Line 29:         private static bool __intialized = false;
+Line 30: 
+Line 31:         protected System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlForm LoginForm;
+Line 32: 
+Line 33:         protected ASP.Header_ascx Header1;
+Line 34: 
+Line 35:         public LoginForm_aspx () {
+Line 36:             if ((ASP.LoginForm_aspx.__intialized == false)) {
+Line 37:                 ASP.LoginForm_aspx.__intialized = true;
+Line 38:             }
+Line 39:         }
+Line 40: 
+Line 41:         protected override bool SupportAutoEvents {
+Line 42:             get {
+Line 43:                 return false;
+Line 44:             }
+Line 45:         }
+Line 46: 
+Line 47:         protected System.Web.HttpApplication ApplicationInstance {
+Line 48:             get {
+Line 49:                 return ((System.Web.HttpApplication)
+Line 50:             }
+Line 51:         }
+Line 52: 
+Line 53:         public override string TemplateSourceDirectory {
+Line 54:             get {
+Line 55:                 return "/Security";
+Line 56:             }
+Line 57:         }
+Line 58: 
+Line 59:         private void __BuildControlTree(System.Web.UI.Control 
+__ctrl) {
+Line 60:             System.Web.UI.IParserAccessor __parser = 
+Line 61:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(new 
+System.Web.UI.LiteralControl("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 
+content=\"Microsoft Visual Studio 7.0\" name=\"GENERATOR\">\n\t\t<meta 
+content=\"C#\" name=\"CODE_LANGUAGE\">\n\t\t<meta content=\"JavaScript\" 
+name=\"vs_targetSchema\">\n\t\t<LINK href=\"../Default.css\" 
+type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\">\n\t</HEAD>\n\t<body leftMargin=\"0\" 
+topMargin=\"0\" rightMargin=\"0\">\n\t\t"));
+Line 62:             this.__BuildControl_LoginForm();
+Line 63:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(this.LoginForm);
+Line 64:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(new 
+Line 65:         }
+Line 66: 
+Line 67:         private System.Web.UI.Control __BuildControl_LoginForm() {
+Line 68:             System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlForm __ctrl;
+Line 69:             __ctrl = new System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlForm();
+Line 70:             this.LoginForm = __ctrl;
+Line 71:             __ctrl.ID = "LoginForm";
+Line 72:             __ctrl.Method = "post";
+Line 73:             System.Web.UI.IParserAccessor __parser = 
+Line 74:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(new 
+Line 75:             this.__BuildControl_Header1();
+Line 76:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(this.Header1);
+Line 77:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(new 
+System.Web.UI.LiteralControl("\n\t\t\t<TABLE id=\"Table2\" style=\"WIDTH: 
+100%\" cellSpacing=\"0\" cellPadding=\"0\" border=\"0
+src=\"../Images/Menu04.gif\"></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<TD width=\"100%\" 
+background=\"../Images/Menu05.gif\" style=\"backgroud-repeat:repeat-
+Line 78:             this.__BuildControl_pnlLogin();
+Line 79:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(this.pnlLogin);
+Line 80:             this.__BuildControl_pnlChangePassword();
+Line 81:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(this.pnlChangePassword);
+Line 82:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(new 
+Line 83:             this.__BuildControl_ErrorViewer1();
+Line 84:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(this.ErrorViewer1);
+Line 85:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(new 
+Line 86:             return __ctrl;
+Line 87:         }
+Line 88: 
+Line 89:         private System.Web.UI.Control __BuildControl_Header1() {
+Line 90:             ASP.Header_ascx __ctrl;
+Line 91:             __ctrl = new ASP.Header_ascx();
+Line 92:             this.Header1 = __ctrl;
+Line 93:             this.Header1.InitializeAsUserControl(this.Page);
+Line 94:             __ctrl.ID = "Header1";
+Line 95:             return __ctrl;
+Line 96:         }
+Line 97: 
+Line 98:         private System.Web.UI.Control __BuildControl_pnlLogin() {
+Line 99:             System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel __ctrl;
+Line 100:             __ctrl = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel();
+Line 101:             this.pnlLogin = __ctrl;
+Line 102:             __ctrl.ID = "pnlLogin";
+Line 103:             __ctrl.HorizontalAlign = 
+Line 104:             System.Web.UI.IParserAccessor __parser = 
+Line 105:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(new 
+System.Web.UI.LiteralControl("\n\t\t\t\t\t<TABLE id=\"Table3\" 
+style=\"WIDTH: 333px; HEIGHT: 205px\" borderColor=\"#000000\" 
+cellSpacing=\"0\"\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcellPadding=\"0\" width=\"333\" border=\"1
+align=\"center\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<TABLE id=\"Table4\" style=\"WIDTH: 
+270px; HEIGHT: 182px\" cellSpacing=\"0\" cellPadding=\"0
+\"\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twidth=\"270\" border=\"0
+Line 106:             this.__BuildControl_Image1();
+Line 107:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(this.Image1);
+Line 108:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(new 
+t\t<TD style=\"HEIGHT: 24px\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"));
+Line 109:             this.__BuildControl_lbBemVindo();
+Line 110:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(this.lbBemVindo);
+Line 111:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(new 
+t\t<TD align=\"center\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<TABLE id=\"Table1\" 
+cellSpacing=\"2\" cellPadding=\"0\" border=\"0
+Line 112:             this.__BuildControl_Label1();
+Line 113:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(this.Label1);
+Line 114:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(new 
+Line 115:             this.__BuildControl_txtUser();
+Line 116:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(this.txtUser);
+Line 117:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(new 
+t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<TD align=\"right\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"));
+Line 118:             this.__BuildControl_Label2();
+Line 119:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(this.Label2);
+Line 120:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(new 
+Line 121:             this.__BuildControl_txtPassword();
+Line 122:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(this.txtPassword);
+Line 123:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(new 
+t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<TD align=\"right\" colSpan=\"2
+Line 124:             this.__BuildControl_btnLogin();
+Line 125:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(this.btnLogin);
+Line 126:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(new 
+t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<P align=\"center\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"));
+Line 127:             this.__BuildControl_lnkLostPass();
+Line 128:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(this.lnkLostPass);
+Line 129:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(new 
+t\t\t\t</TABLE>\n\t\t\t\t\t<P align=\"center\">&nbsp;</P>\n\t\t\t\t"));
+Line 130:             return __ctrl;
+Line 131:         }
+Line 132: 
+Line 133:         private System.Web.UI.Control __BuildControl_Image1() {
+Line 134:             System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image __ctrl;
+Line 135:             __ctrl = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image();
+Line 136:             this.Image1 = __ctrl;
+Line 137:             __ctrl.ID = "Image1";
+Line 138:             return __ctrl;
+Line 139:         }
+Line 140: 
+Line 141:         private System.Web.UI.Control __BuildControl_lbBemVindo
+() {
+Line 142:             Staff.Components.Web.Label __ctrl;
+Line 143:             __ctrl = new Staff.Components.Web.Label();
+Line 144:             this.lbBemVindo = __ctrl;
+Line 145:             __ctrl.ID = "lbBemVindo";
+Line 146:             __ctrl.EfetuaTraducao = true;
+Line 147:             System.Web.UI.IParserAccessor __parser = 
+Line 148:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(new 
+System.Web.UI.LiteralControl("Bem vindo ao Login do GECEX WSS"));
+Line 149:             return __ctrl;
+Line 150:         }
+Line 151: 
+Line 152:         private System.Web.UI.Control __BuildControl_Label1() {
+Line 153:             Staff.Components.Web.Label __ctrl;
+Line 154:             __ctrl = new Staff.Components.Web.Label();
+Line 155:             this.Label1 = __ctrl;
+Line 156:             __ctrl.ID = "Label1";
+Line 157:             System.Web.UI.IParserAccessor __parser = 
+Line 158:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(new 
+Line 159:             return __ctrl;
+Line 160:         }
+Line 161: 
+Line 162:         private System.Web.UI.Control __BuildControl_txtUser() {
+Line 163:             Staff.Components.Web.TextBox __ctrl;
+Line 164:             __ctrl = new Staff.Components.Web.TextBox();
+Line 165:             this.txtUser = __ctrl;
+Line 166:             __ctrl.ID = "txtUser";
+Line 167:             __ctrl.TipoTexto = 
+Line 168:             return __ctrl;
+Line 169:         }
+Line 170: 
+Line 171:         private System.Web.UI.Control __BuildControl_Label2() {
+Line 172:             Staff.Components.Web.Label __ctrl;
+Line 173:             __ctrl = new Staff.Components.Web.Label();
+Line 174:             this.Label2 = __ctrl;
+Line 175:             __ctrl.ID = "Label2";
+Line 176:             System.Web.UI.IParserAccessor __parser = 
+Line 177:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(new 
+Line 178:             return __ctrl;
+Line 179:         }
+Line 180: 
+Line 181:         private System.Web.UI.Control __BuildControl_txtPassword
+() {
+Line 182:             Staff.Components.Web.TextBox __ctrl;
+Line 183:             __ctrl = new Staff.Components.Web.TextBox();
+Line 184:             this.txtPassword = __ctrl;
+Line 185:             __ctrl.ID = "txtPassword";
+Line 186:             __ctrl.TextMode = 
+Line 187:             __ctrl.TipoTexto = 
+Line 188:             return __ctrl;
+Line 189:         }
+Line 190: 
+Line 191:         private System.Web.UI.Control __BuildControl_btnLogin() {
+Line 192:             Staff.Components.Web.Button __ctrl;
+Line 193:             __ctrl = new Staff.Components.Web.Button();
+Line 194:             this.btnLogin = __ctrl;
+Line 195:             __ctrl.ID = "btnLogin";
+Line 196:             __ctrl.Text = "Ok";
+Line 197:             return __ctrl;
+Line 198:         }
+Line 199: 
+Line 200:         private System.Web.UI.Control __BuildControl_lnkLostPass
+() {
+Line 201:             Staff.Components.Web.HyperLink __ctrl;
+Line 202:             __ctrl = new Staff.Components.Web.HyperLink();
+Line 203:             this.lnkLostPass = __ctrl;
+Line 204:             __ctrl.ID = "lnkLostPass";
+Line 205:             __ctrl.Visible = false;
+Line 206:             __ctrl.EfetuaTraducao = true;
+Line 207:             System.Web.UI.IParserAccessor __parser = 
+Line 208:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(new 
+System.Web.UI.LiteralControl("Esqueci minha senha"));
+Line 209:             return __ctrl;
+Line 210:         }
+Line 211: 
+Line 212:         private System.Web.UI.Control 
+__BuildControl_pnlChangePassword() {
+Line 213:             System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel __ctrl;
+Line 214:             __ctrl = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel();
+Line 215:             this.pnlChangePassword = __ctrl;
+Line 216:             __ctrl.ID = "pnlChangePassword";
+Line 217:             __ctrl.Visible = false;
+Line 218:             __ctrl.HorizontalAlign = 
+Line 219:             System.Web.UI.IParserAccessor __parser = 
+Line 220:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(new 
+System.Web.UI.LiteralControl("\n\t\t\t\t\t<TABLE class=\"PanelBody\" 
+cellSpacing=\"2\" cellPadding=\"0\" border=\"0
+Line 221:             this.__BuildControl_Label3();
+Line 222:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(this.Label3);
+Line 223:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(new 
+Line 224:             this.__BuildControl_Textbox1();
+Line 225:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(this.Textbox1);
+Line 226:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(new 
+Line 227:             this.__BuildControl_Label4();
+Line 228:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(this.Label4);
+Line 229:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(new 
+Line 230:             this.__BuildControl_txtCurrentPassword();
+Line 231:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(this.txtCurrentPassword);
+Line 232:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(new 
+Line 233:             this.__BuildControl_Label5();
+Line 234:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(this.Label5);
+Line 235:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(new 
+Line 236:             this.__BuildControl_txtNewPassword1();
+Line 237:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(this.txtNewPassword1);
+Line 238:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(new 
+Line 239:             this.__BuildControl_Label6();
+Line 240:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(this.Label6);
+Line 241:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(new 
+Line 242:             this.__BuildControl_txtNewPassword2();
+Line 243:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(this.txtNewPassword2);
+Line 244:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(new 
+align=\"right\" colSpan=\"2\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"));
+Line 245:             this.__BuildControl_Button1();
+Line 246:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(this.Button1);
+Line 247:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(new 
+Line 248:             return __ctrl;
+Line 249:         }
+Line 250: 
+Line 251:         private System.Web.UI.Control __BuildControl_Label3() {
+Line 252:             Staff.Components.Web.Label __ctrl;
+Line 253:             __ctrl = new Staff.Components.Web.Label();
+Line 254:             this.Label3 = __ctrl;
+Line 255:             __ctrl.ID = "Label3";
+Line 256:             System.Web.UI.IParserAccessor __parser = 
+Line 257:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(new 
+Line 258:             return __ctrl;
+Line 259:         }
+Line 260: 
+Line 261:         private System.Web.UI.Control __BuildControl_Textbox1() {
+Line 262:             Staff.Components.Web.TextBox __ctrl;
+Line 263:             __ctrl = new Staff.Components.Web.TextBox();
+Line 264:             this.Textbox1 = __ctrl;
+Line 265:             __ctrl.ID = "Textbox1";
+Line 266:             __ctrl.ReadOnly = true;
+Line 267:             __ctrl.TipoTexto = 
+Line 268:             return __ctrl;
+Line 269:         }
+Line 270: 
+Line 271:         private System.Web.UI.Control __BuildControl_Label4() {
+Line 272:             Staff.Components.Web.Label __ctrl;
+Line 273:             __ctrl = new Staff.Components.Web.Label();
+Line 274:             this.Label4 = __ctrl;
+Line 275:             __ctrl.ID = "Label4";
+Line 276:             System.Web.UI.IParserAccessor __parser = 
+Line 277:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(new 
+System.Web.UI.LiteralControl("Senha Atual:"));
+Line 278:             return __ctrl;
+Line 279:         }
+Line 280: 
+Line 281:         private System.Web.UI.Control 
+__BuildControl_txtCurrentPassword() {
+Line 282:             Staff.Components.Web.TextBox __ctrl;
+Line 283:             __ctrl = new Staff.Components.Web.TextBox();
+Line 284:             this.txtCurrentPassword = __ctrl;
+Line 285:             __ctrl.ID = "txtCurrentPassword";
+Line 286:             __ctrl.TextMode = 
+Line 287:             __ctrl.TipoTexto = 
+Line 288:             return __ctrl;
+Line 289:         }
+Line 290: 
+Line 291:         private System.Web.UI.Control __BuildControl_Label5() {
+Line 292:             Staff.Components.Web.Label __ctrl;
+Line 293:             __ctrl = new Staff.Components.Web.Label();
+Line 294:             this.Label5 = __ctrl;
+Line 295:             __ctrl.ID = "Label5";
+Line 296:             System.Web.UI.IParserAccessor __parser = 
+Line 297:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(new 
+System.Web.UI.LiteralControl("Nova Senha:"));
+Line 298:             return __ctrl;
+Line 299:         }
+Line 300: 
+Line 301:         private System.Web.UI.Control 
+__BuildControl_txtNewPassword1() {
+Line 302:             Staff.Components.Web.TextBox __ctrl;
+Line 303:             __ctrl = new Staff.Components.Web.TextBox();
+Line 304:             this.txtNewPassword1 = __ctrl;
+Line 305:             __ctrl.ID = "txtNewPassword1";
+Line 306:             __ctrl.TextMode = 
+Line 307:             __ctrl.TipoTexto = 
+Line 308:             return __ctrl;
+Line 309:         }
+Line 310: 
+Line 311:         private System.Web.UI.Control __BuildControl_Label6() {
+Line 312:             Staff.Components.Web.Label __ctrl;
+Line 313:             __ctrl = new Staff.Components.Web.Label();
+Line 314:             this.Label6 = __ctrl;
+Line 315:             __ctrl.ID = "Label6";
+Line 316:             System.Web.UI.IParserAccessor __parser = 
+Line 317:             __parser.AddParsedSubObject(new 
+System.Web.UI.LiteralControl("Redigite a Senha:"));
+Line 318:             return __ctrl;
+Line 319:         }
+Line 320: 
+Line 321:         private System.Web.UI.Control 
+__BuildControl_txtNewPassword2() {
+Line 322:             Staff.Components.Web.TextBox __ctrl;
+Line 323:             __ctrl = new Staff.Components.Web.TextBox();
+Line 324:             this.txtNewPassword2 = __ctrl;
+Line 325:             __ctrl.ID = "txtNewPassword2";
+Line 326:             __ctrl.TextMode = 
+Line 327:             __ctrl.TipoTexto = 
+Line 328:             return __ctrl;
+Line 329:         }
+Line 330: 
+Line 331:         private System.Web.UI.Control __BuildControl_Button1() {
+Line 332:             Staff.Components.Web.Button __ctrl;
+Line 333:             __ctrl = new Staff.Components.Web.Button();
+Line 334:             this.Button1 = __ctrl;
+Line 335:             __ctrl.ID = "Button1";
+Line 336:             __ctrl.Text = "Alterar";
+Line 337:             return __ctrl;
+Line 338:         }
+Line 339: 
+Line 340:         private System.Web.UI.Control __BuildControl_ErrorViewer1
+() {
+Line 341:             Staff.Components.Web.ErrorViewer __ctrl;
+Line 342:             __ctrl = new Staff.Components.Web.ErrorViewer();
+Line 343:             this.ErrorViewer1 = __ctrl;
+Line 344:             __ctrl.ID = "ErrorViewer1";
+Line 345:             return __ctrl;
+Line 346:         }
+Line 347: 
+Line 348:         protected override void FrameworkInitialize() {
+Line 349:             this.TraceEnabled = true;
+Line 350:             this.TraceModeValue = 
+Line 351:             this.Request.ValidateInput();
+Line 352:             this.__BuildControlTree(this);
+Line 353:         }
+Line 354: 
+Line 355:         public override int GetTypeHashCode() {
+Line 356:             return 1174877683;
+Line 357:         }
+Line 358:     }
+Line 359: 
+Line 360:     }
+Expected Results:
+The expected was a simple Login Form