[Mono-bugs] [Bug 54505][Nor] New - XmlDataDocument can't add rows with DateTime values
Tue, 17 Feb 2004 22:51:08 -0500 (EST)
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Changed by krisolav@hotmail.com.
--- shadow/54505 2004-02-17 22:51:08.000000000 -0500
+++ shadow/54505.tmp.19691 2004-02-17 22:51:08.000000000 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+Bug#: 54505
+Product: Mono/Class Libraries
+Version: unspecified
+OS: Debian Woody
+OS Details:
+Status: NEW
+Priority: Normal
+Component: Sys.XML
+AssignedTo: mono-bugs@ximian.com
+ReportedBy: krisolav@hotmail.com
+QAContact: mono-bugs@ximian.com
+TargetMilestone: ---
+Summary: XmlDataDocument can't add rows with DateTime values
+Please fill in this template when reporting a bug, unless you know what
+you are doing.
+Description of Problem:
+XmlDataDocument throws an exception when trying to add a row that contains
+a DateTime value (where the XSD specified @type of xs:dateTime).
+Steps to reproduce the problem:
+1. Create the following test class:
+ public class XmlData
+ {
+ public string XmlFileName
+ {
+ get { return "test.xml"; }
+ }
+ public string SchemaFileName
+ {
+ get { return "test.xsd"; }
+ }
+ public XmlData()
+ {
+ XmlDataDocument doc = new XmlDataDocument();
+ doc.DataSet.ReadXmlSchema(SchemaFileName);
+ doc.Load(new XmlTextReader(XmlFileName));
+ System.Console.Out.WriteLine("tables: " +
+ foreach (DataTable table in doc.DataSet.Tables)
+ {
+ System.Console.Out.WriteLine("table = " +
+ }
+ DataTable foo = doc.DataSet.Tables["foo"];
+ foreach (DataRow row in foo.Rows)
+ {
+ System.Console.Out.WriteLine(
+ "s = " + row["s"]
+ + ", d = " + row["d"].GetType
+ }
+ DataRow newRow = foo.NewRow();
+ newRow["s"] = "new";
+ newRow["d"] = DateTime.Now;
+ foo.Rows.Add(newRow);
+ doc.Save("foo.xml");
+ }
+ public static void Main(string[] args)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ XmlData data = new XmlData();
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ System.Console.Out.WriteLine(e.Message);
+ System.Console.Out.WriteLine(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+2. The XML file (test.xml) is:
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<top xmlns="urn:test">
+ <foo>
+ <s>first</s>
+ <d>2004-02-14T10:37:03</d>
+ </foo>
+ <foo>
+ <s>second</s>
+ <d>2004-02-17T12:41:49</d>
+ </foo>
+3. The XSD file (test.xsd) is:
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<xs:schema id="webstore" targetNamespace="urn:test"
+ <xs:element name="top">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
+ <xs:element name="foo">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
+ <xs:element name="s" type="xs:string"/>
+ <xs:element name="d" type="xs:dateTime"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
+Actual Results:
+Cannot cast from source type to destination type
+in <0x00245> System.Xml.XmlDataDocument:OnDataTableRowAdded
+in <0x00067> System.Xml.XmlDataDocument:OnDataTableRowChanged
+in <0x0005a> (wrapper delegate-invoke)
+in <0x00034> System.Data.DataTable:OnRowChanged
+in <0x00046> System.Data.DataTable:ChangedDataRow
+in <0x00169> System.Data.DataRowCollection:Add (System.Data.DataRow)
+in <0x005b2> Test.XmlData:.ctor ()
+in <0x0002c> Test.XmlData:Main (string[])
+Expected Results:
+Successfully saves the file foo.xml. Verified this code works with
+MS .NET. It produced the following contents:
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<top xmlns="urn:test">
+ <foo>
+ <s>first</s>
+ <d>2004-02-14T10:37:03</d>
+ </foo>
+ <foo>
+ <s>second</s>
+ <d>2004-02-17T12:41:49</d>
+ </foo>
+ <foo xmlns="">
+ <s>new</s>
+ <d>2004-02-17T19:24:42.0319856-08:00</d>
+ </foo>
+How often does this happen?
+Every time
+Additional Information: