[Mono-bugs] [Bug 50530][Min] Changed - Authenticated POST requests do not work with HTTP/1.0 servers

bugzilla-daemon@bugzilla.ximian.com bugzilla-daemon@bugzilla.ximian.com
Sun, 15 Feb 2004 17:52:44 -0500 (EST)

Please do not reply to this email- if you want to comment on the bug, go to the
URL shown below and enter your comments there.

Changed by helge.hess@opengroupware.org.


--- shadow/50530	2004-02-12 13:09:26.000000000 -0500
+++ shadow/50530.tmp.743	2004-02-15 17:52:44.000000000 -0500
@@ -201,6 +201,125 @@
 If this still fails for you, please provide all the request/response
 headers or, even better, a tcpdump output file.
+------- Additional Comments From helge.hess@opengroupware.org  2004-02-15 17:52 -------
+Can't see a difference:
+helge@move:~/projects/mono/HelgeTests> mono --version
+Mono JIT compiler version 0.30.99, (C) 2002-2004 Novell, Inc.
+(CVS HEAD of today, also checked 0.30.1)
+relevant source:
+      NetworkCredential credentials = 
+	new NetworkCredential("helge","xxx",null);
+      Uri destination = 
+	new Uri("http://localhost:22002/RPC2");
+      HttpWebRequest webRequest =
+	(HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(destination);
+      webRequest.Credentials = credentials;   
+      webRequest.PreAuthenticate = true;
+      webRequest.ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version10;
+      webRequest.Method      = "POST";
+      webRequest.ContentType = "text/xml";
+      //webRequest.ExpectContinue = false;
+      /* send request */
+      Stream       rqStream = webRequest.GetRequestStream();
+      StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(rqStream);
+      sw.WriteLine("<?xml version='1.0'?>");
+      sw.WriteLine("<a></a>");
+      sw.Flush();
+      sw.Close();
+Console.WriteLine("Sent Rq ...");
+      string response;
+      try {
+Console.WriteLine("will get response ...");
+        HttpWebResponse webResponse = 
+	  (HttpWebResponse)webRequest.GetResponse();
+Console.WriteLine("did get response ...");
+        if (webRequest.HaveResponse) {
+          StreamReader stream = 
+	    new StreamReader(webResponse.GetResponseStream());
+          response = stream.ReadToEnd();
+          stream.Close();
+        }
+	else
+	  throw new Exception("No response received from host.");
+      }
+      catch(WebException e) {
+        throw new Exception("Exception occured while sending request.",e);
+      }
+Test program output:
+helge@move:~/projects/mono/HelgeTests> mono testbasicauth3.exe 
+Sent Rq ...
+will get response ...
+System.Exception: Exception occured while sending request. --->
+System.Net.WebException: Error getting response stream --->
+        at System.Net.WebConnection.HandleError()
+        at System.Net.WebConnection.ReadDone()
+        at System.MulticastDelegate.invoke_void_IAsyncResult()
+        at System.Net.Sockets.Socket+Worker.End()
+        at System.Net.Sockets.Socket+Worker.Receive()
+in <0x000ee> System.Net.WebConnection:HandleError
+--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
+in <0x0007a> System.Net.HttpWebRequest:CheckFinalStatus
+in <0x00065> (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check)
+System.Net.HttpWebRequest:CheckFinalStatus (System.Net.WebAsyncResult)
+in <0x001d5> System.Net.HttpWebRequest:EndGetResponse
+in <0x00077> System.Net.HttpWebRequest:GetResponse ()
+in <0x001e8> httpclient:Main ()
+--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
+in <0x002ed> httpclient:Main ()
+HTTP transaction:
+Content-Type: text/xml
+Content-Length: 30
+Expect: 100-continue
+Connection: keep-alive
+Host: localhost
+<?xml version='1.0'?>
+Feb 15 22:53:45 xmlrpcd [11484]: response is
+HTTP/1.0 401 Authorization Required
+www-authenticate: basic realm="SKYRiX"
+content-length: 0
+As you can see "ProtocolVersion" now properly results in HTTP/1.0 in
+the request header but still sends Expect: 100-continue.
+In addition the HTTP host header is broken - I send on port "22022",
+yet the Host header only lists the host name, it should read:
+Host: localhost:22022