[Mono-bugs] miracle plaster to gr.ow ur lit-tle pen.is cashbook leanto begrimed
Tessie Rima
Tessie Rima" <xmzms32us@calweb.com
Fri, 13 Feb 2004 18:52:29 -0500
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<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=30 width=655>
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<font size=6 face=tahoma color=ffff00><b>Cheap Soft at Damn Low Pri ce </b></font><br>
<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=20 width=615>
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<font color=FF3E3E size=2 face="arial black">Hello friends, hope you can find cheeap soft on our site! In our archive you can find a lot of popular programs: Adobe PhotoShop CS 8.0 only for 40$, Autodesk Building Systems 2004 (2 cds) for 40$, Borland C++ Builder 6 Enterprise for 40$, Corel Draw 11 Graphic Suite SP1 (5 cds) only for 50$, Catia 5 R12 P3 with SP2 (3 cds) 50$, Finale 2004 (1 cd) 40$.... and a lot of more....If you want see list with all our programs click on "Price List", or choose category which you want. </font><br><br>
<font color=2020FF face=arial size=4>
<font color=000000 size=4>Categories we have for now - over 328 expensive softwares to blast off</font><br>
Audio (Music) <font size=1 color=7F7F7F>(75 popular softwares)</font><br>
Internet <font size=1 color=7F7F7F>(126 popular softwares)</font><br>
Games <font size=1 color=7F7F7F>(102 popular softwares)</font><br>
Business <font size=1 color=7F7F7F>(31 popular softwares)</font><br>
IS/IT <font size=1 color=7F7F7F>(72 popular softwares)</font><br>
Mobile, Palm, Pocket <font size=1 color=7F7F7F>(21 popular softwares)</font><br>
Design, Photo, Flash, Media,Illustration <font size=1 color=7F7F7F>(89 popular softwares)</font><br>
Web Developer <font size=1 color=7F7F7F>(56 popular softwares)</font><br>
Software Developer <font size=1 color=7F7F7F>(45 popular softwares)</font><br>
Utilities, Drivers, Antivirus, Security <font size=1 color=7F7F7F>(39 popular softwares)</font><br>
Desktop Enhancements <font size=1 color=7F7F7F>(28 popular softwares)</font><br>
Home & Education <font size=1 color=7F7F7F>( 23 popular softwares)</font><br>
3D Studio, Adobe, Maya... Plugins <font size=1 color=7F7F7F>(50 popular softwares)</font><br>
Video <font size=1 color=7F7F7F>(33 popular softwares)</font><br>
CAD/CAM <font size=1 color=7F7F7F>(12 popular softwares)</font><br>
Mac <font size=1 color=7F7F7F>(52 popular softwares)</font><br>
& many more latest released softwares, DON'T MISS IT!
<font color=000000 size=3 face=arial>
<b>You may pur- chase these softwares in 3 ways:</b><br>
i) download from server (immediate download after payment)<br>
ii) we ship you physical CDs<br>
iii) [both of above (i) & (ii)] download from our server & we ship you the physical CDs as backup for ur future re-installation<br><br>
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