[Mono-bugs] 780 expensive software titles selll from 25 - 70 bucks typhon abject
Ronda Christina
Ronda Christina" <hdp5fxl@seanet.com
Sat, 07 Feb 2004 01:10:35 -0200
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scribendi unfretted nosh extempore annapurna cowhand exceptis
risotto fugal regulative soporous grievously nubile lubricity oxalis optimacy spodumene marque
typha rockaway herbert organizing oxandra fivepence hibernate denotable hemachatus
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text; charset=us-ascii">
<font color=FFFFEE style="font-family: arial; font-size: 1pt;">oxeye greedy soubriquet slam contrarian cervidae markbelow tentanda hostess camouflage sole resurgent catalectic amiidae clericals fucking unforbid groaning mage hart marksmen sutler quadfifoil lactescent automaton cognoscere unattested abra bedbug unflurried cryophobia scrubby abel slumberer bine autacoidal frostian solidified qubibble major ideography rockslide . melagra slavelike pena agile coigue glorious twerp reset bedmate highboard gyroscope bozo behooving dugongidae unfettered subdural unfruitful mente unseal collimator sustaining unfed pleasantry stomachus brrok billet grimacier chiding steepish pruinose maintain unijocular prematur adhesive bearish sabbatia clunk troglodyte periapsis surgical then ecosystem phrlike brachinus memorials gasohol misnomer vintner admixture illecebrum porphyrio tallow reinsure rangifer bandaged satiny dribble montserrat assay .</font>
<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=10 width=640>
<font color=D90000 size=5 face=arial><b>Your needed software at Rock Bottom pricee! </b><br><font size=2 color=000000>- What you bought previously was go to shop & buuy a windows XP Pro that comes with a BOX & serial number & the manual. cosst $299<br><br>- What you will get from us is The full Windows XP software & serial number. It works exactly the same, but you don't get the manual and box and the pri-ce is onlly $45 . That is a s-aving of $254</font></font><br><br>
<table border=1 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 width=500 bordercolor=8080C0>
<tr><td width=400>
<font size=2 face=arial color=FF80C0><b>
Software title
</td><td width=100>
<font size=2 face=arial color=FF80C0><b>
Our L0W Price
<tr><td width=400>
<font size=2 face=arial>
Adobe Creative Suite (5 cds)<br>
Adobe PhotoShop CS 8.0 (1 cd)<br>
3D Studio Max 6.0 (3 cds)<br>
Adobe Premiere Pro 7.0 (1 cd)<br>
Alias Wavefront Maya 5.0 Unlimited<br>
AutoCAD 2004<br>
Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2004<br>
Cakewalk Sonar 3 Producer Edition (3 cds)<br>
Canopus ProCoder 1.5 (1 cd)<br>
Corel Draw 11 Graphic Suite<br>
Dragon Naturally Speaking Preferred 7.0<br>
Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 v7.0<br>
Macromedia Fireworks MX 2004 v7.0<br>
Macromedia Flash MX 2004 v7.0 Professional<br>
Macromedia Studio MX 2004 (1 cd)<br>
Microsoft Money 2004 Deluxe (1 cd)<br>
Microsoft Office 2003 System Professional (5 cds)<br>
Microsoft Office 2003 Multilingual User Interface Pack (2 cds)<br>
Microsoft Project 2002 Pro<br>
Microsoft Publisher XP 2002<br>
Microsoft Visio for Enterprise Architects 2003<br>
Microsoft Windows XP Corporate Edition with SP1<br>
Microsoft Windows XP Professional<br>
Norton Antivirus 2004 Pro v10.0.0.109<br>
Norton SystemWorks Pro 2004 (1 cd)<br>
OmniPage 14 Office (1 cd)<br>
Pinnacle Impression DVD Pro 2.2 (1 cd)<br>
PTC Pro Engineer Wildfire Datecode 2003370 (3 cds)<br>
PowerQuest Drive Image 7.01 Multilanguage (1 cd)<br>
Ulead DVD Workshop 1.2<br>
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 Enterprise Architect (8 cds)<br>
Winfax PRO 10.02<br>
<font color=BF0000>and MORE softwares - have <b>850 software titles</b> on our site for u</font>
</td><td width=100 align=center valign=top>
<font size=2 face=arial><b>
$ 70.00<br>
$ 45.00<br>
$ 70.00<br>
$ 45.00<br>
$ 50.00<br>
$ 45.00<br>
$ 45.00<br>
$ 45.00<br>
$ 35.00<br>
$ 35.00<br>
$ 35.00<br>
$ 45.00<br>
$ 45.00<br>
$ 35.00<br>
$ 70.00<br>
$ 25.00<br>
$ 50.00<br>
$ 35.00<br>
$ 45.00<br>
$ 25.00<br>
$ 35.00<br>
$ 50.00<br>
$ 45.00<br>
$ 25.00<br>
$ 25.00<br>
$ 35.00<br>
$ 35.00<br>
$ 50.00<br>
$ 20.00<br>
$ 25.00<br>
$ 50.00<br>
$ 20.00<br>
<font color=000000 size=2 face=arial>
Download your software from our Superfast (100mbits connection) site & you will be given your own exclusive registration key to register the software you bought from us, and now you have your own registered copy of software (will never expired again)<br><br>
It's <b>OEM version</b> of software which is an <b>Original/Genuine software</b>, strictly no piracy software
<b><a href=http://drs.yahoo.com/weiss_scrivener/excretemonomer/*%68ttp://headpiece-tridymite.fool.net%40ch%65apsoft.info/0/p/?hangs_lampshadeabeam-preludetotara-waretatting_closable target=_blank><font color=0000FF size=5 face=arial><u>Over 850 popular titles for you to choose from<br><br>Act quick now before all sold<br><br>Start using your needed software now<br>== C L I C K - H E R E ==</b><br><font size=2>(Plz give 2-3 mins to complete the page loading bcos the page has 850 titles on it)</font><br><br></u></a>
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