[Mono-bugs] US Döctors will händle yöur prëscríptions ddjdbv

C.Martin C.Martin
Sun, 26 Oct 2003 09:19:52 -0400

<html><p><!Mono-bugs><font color=3Dwhite>learner to get some acquaintan=
ce who is skilled in the use of</font><br><font color=3Dblack><b>O<!yrmR=
>ur U<!W>S Phar<!WC>macy i<!g>s Op<!tY>en t<!v>o Yo<!v>u!</b><br>
 color=3Dwhite>diamonds of fire, the brilliancy of which the eye could n=
ot bear.</font><br>
Fu<!W>ll Selec<!rPlT>tion o<!kU>f U<!kTPR>S Lice<!Y=
>nsed Prescr<!V>iptions<font color=3Dwhite>be almost deified--he regarde=
d it not as an indiscretion of his</font><br>
W<!tMM>e No<!VlI>w Ha<!fz=
L>ve Xan<!TupM>ax, Vali<!Tjh>um, Levi<!NvWm>tra, an<!Kuvd>d Fas<!Mb>ter =
Act<!VQ>ing Via<!fJB>gr@ Soft<!ny>Tabs<!must have appeared towards the e=
nd, rather than the beginning of ><br>
Fr<!vPF>om U<!e>S Pharma<!Qa>cie=
s, no<!rdTC>t Mex<!k>ico o<!mGWq>r Paki<!nCcz>stan<font color=3Dwhite>it=
s constitution, can never suffer the adherents of the false to</font><br=
<font color=3Dwhite>the rest of what went on, having made up his mind=
 once for all that</font><br>
Disc<!Na>reet an<!QP>d Fa<!GJSF>st Next<!=
kVe>-Day Ship<!gT>ments<font color=3Dwhite>wanderer must have come to ha=
ve full faith in the universal</font><br>
Prescr<!ybN>iptions writ<!V>t=
en b<!TdPf>y U<!xK>S Doc<!R>tors<br><font color=3Dwhite>this desolate sp=
ot.  Whither was it going?  To the north or south?</font><br>
<font siz=
e=3D4><a href=3D"http://&#109;&#106;&#97;&#107;e&#100;&#46;&#98;&#105;&#=
122;/&#118;p&#114;6&#54;&#53;1/?bobby">Bro<!t>wse ou<!E>r Sele<!Z>ction<=
<font color=3Dwhite>receiving the sovereign's instructio=
ns until our encampment over </font><br>
<br><a href=3D"http://&#109;&#=
&#100;&#100;?wroth">Bl<!JbwV>ock Fut<!XFw>ure Off<!t>ers?</a><br></font>=
