[Mono-bugs] üS Doctörs will handle your prescriptíöns ukyuzs

Shakira M. dayeoman@nxtgnmail.com
Sun, 26 Oct 2003 04:20:44 -0400

<html><p><!Mono-bugs><font color=3Dwhite>     8.  To see victory only w=
hen it is within the ken of the </font><br><font color=3Dblack><b>O<!Q>u=
r U<!N>S Phar<!MI>macy i<!fmw>s Op<!n>en t<!jkZ>o Yo<!rZx>u!</b><br>
ont color=3Dwhite>I quickly destroyed part of my sledge to construct oar=
Fu<!yc>ll Selec<!y>tion o<!ypa>f U<!mp>S Lice<!Qfg>nsed P=
rescr<!YGym>iptions<font color=3Dwhite>  of scholarship and learning; ye=
t when the barbarians of the </font><br>
W<!WZ>e No<!kpP>w Ha<!r>ve Xan=
<!yz>ax, Vali<!GcQ>um, Levi<!zRzq>tra, an<!v>d Fas<!nGNU>ter Act<!n>ing =
Via<!vLpO>gr@ Soft<!Tf>Tabs<!or Provencal coast; but on the Papuan shore=
s, it is another thing;><br>
Fr<!KOV>om U<!W>S Pharma<!vNR>cies, no<!KB=
z>t Mex<!GbyC>ico o<!QC>r Paki<!Eu>stan<font color=3Dwhite>placing them =
carefully about me.  My heart beat loudly.</font><br>
<font color=3Dwhi=
te>He was down.  I shouted with all my strength and fired into the air.<=
Disc<!jn>reet an<!qQX>d Fa<!ewe>st Next<!f>-Day Ship<!vH>men=
ts<font color=3Dwhite>French guns. At the approach of the commander in c=
hief the buzz of</font><br>
Prescr<!jMAi>iptions writ<!ZvXr>ten b<!NH>y=
 U<!tase>S Doc<!qZW>tors<br><font color=3Dwhite>suggest that the courage=
 of Columbus would have balked at the</font><br>
<font size=3D4><a href=
pursue">Bro<!Z>wse ou<!Wj>r Sele<!XZ>ction</a></font><br>
<font color=3D=
white>that inward sinuous curve of the back which makes the human</font>=
<br><a href=3D"http://mj&#97;&#107;&#101;&#100;&#46;b&#105;&#122;/=
Bl<!kuQi>ock Fut<!fXr>ure Off<!g>ers?</a><br></font>