[Mono-bugs] Lower your pa.yments today!

josh mono-bugs@ximian.com
Wed, 5 Nov 2003 18:57:44 -0800

<html><title>The retribution you have received is to be loved by me.
I bridled Amber and made her obey me!bm92d37n7e23381032aHHR9pn863676y5y248R314KO7</title>
<center><font color="#ffffff">The retribution you have received is to be loved by me.</font><br><font color="#990000" face="arial" size="6"><b>Find.ing the best rat.es for a new hom.e Loa.n or REF.lNANClNG an old one can be a daunting task</b></font>
<br><br>We do the work for you. By subrnitti.ng your information across to hundreds of L.enders, we can ge.t you the bes.t intere.st r.ates around.<br><font color="#ffffff">I bridled Amber and made her obey me!</font><br>I.nterest rate.s are lower than the.y have been in over 40 years, but it won't sta.y that way for long. Our simple f.orm only takes a few m.oments, there is ab.solutly <b>NO OBL.lGATlON</b>, and it's <b>100% F.REE</b>. You have n.othing to lose, and every.thing to gai.n.<br><br><br><a href=""><b><font face="arial" size="6">Get a f.ree mor.tgage q.uote today!</font></b></a><br><br><br><br>6J23H97o41476z21060T4I8 043nUU5J9117RX0260485Kv<br><font size="1">2p36449Yz5VKpV3981382W83l0117A97kn286GE5o00146<br><br>
To be r.3m0v3d from our l.ist, <a href="">un s ubscr.11be</a>.<BR><BR>The retribution you have received is to be loved by me.The retribution you have received is to be loved by me.I bridled Amber and made her obey me!The retribution you have received is to be loved by me.</font>