[Mono-bugs] [Bug 42994][Blo] New - compiler fails on composite control
Wed, 14 May 2003 13:43:14 -0400 (EDT)
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Changed by tkaszuba@hotmail.com.
--- shadow/42994 Wed May 14 13:43:14 2003
+++ shadow/42994.tmp.28015 Wed May 14 13:43:14 2003
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+Bug#: 42994
+Product: Mono/Class Libraries
+Version: unspecified
+OS: Red Hat 9.0
+OS Details: Fresh install
+Status: NEW
+Priority: Blocker
+Component: System.Web
+AssignedTo: mono-bugs@ximian.com
+ReportedBy: tkaszuba@hotmail.com
+QAContact: mono-bugs@ximian.com
+TargetMilestone: ---
+Summary: compiler fails on composite control
+Please fill in this template when reporting a bug, unless you know what you
+are doing.
+Description of Problem:
+I've recently tried to run a simple composite control that exposes the
+Image web control and the compiler throws the following error:
+/tmp/tmp180c57e1.cs(79,0) : error CS0127: Return with a value not allowed here
+/tmp/tmp180c57e1.cs(91,0) : error CS0127: Return with a value not allowed here
+/tmp/tmp180c57e1.cs(132,0) : error CS0127: Return with a value not allowed here
+(0,0) : error failed: 3 error(s), 0 warnings
+Line 74: private void
+__BuildControl_Bottom1(System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image __ctrl) {
+Line 75: __ctrl.ID = "Bottom1";
+Line 76: __ctrl.ImageUrl = "_images/BackWhole.gif";
+Line 77: __ctrl.EnableViewState = false;
+Line 78: __ctrl.Width =
+Line 79: return __ctrl;
+Line 80: }
+Line 86: private void
+__BuildControl_Top2(System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image __ctrl) {
+Line 87: __ctrl.ID = "Top2";
+Line 88: __ctrl.ImageUrl = "_images/b0.gif";
+Line 89: __ctrl.EnableViewState = false;
+Line 90: __ctrl.Width =
+Line 91: return __ctrl;
+Line 92: }
+Line 126: private void
+__BuildControl_Container1(System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image __ctrl) {
+Line 127: __ctrl.ID = "Container1";
+Line 128: __ctrl.ImageUrl = "_images/b2.gif";
+Line 129: __ctrl.EnableViewState = false;
+Line 130: __ctrl.Width =
+Line 131: __ctrl.Height =
+Line 132: return __ctrl;
+Line 133: }
+Steps to reproduce the problem:
+1.Paste the following code into a file called "bar.cs"
+using System;
+using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
+using System.Web.UI;
+using System.IO;
+namespace ICW.WebControls
+ /// <summary>
+ ///
+ /// </summary>
+ public class Bar:WebControl,INamingContainer
+ {
+ private int scale = 100;
+ protected Image img;
+ public Bar():base()
+ {
+ img = new Image();
+ this.Controls.Add(img);
+ }
+ public int Scale
+ {
+ get{return scale;}
+ set{
+ if (scale < 0 || scale >100) throw new ArgumentException("Scale has to
+be a number between 0 and 100");
+ scale=value;
+ }
+ }
+ protected virtual int ScaledHeight
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return (int)Math.Round(img.Height.Value*Scale/100);
+ }
+ }
+ public Image Container
+ {
+ get{return img;}
+ }
+ protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
+ {
+ img.Height = Unit.Pixel(ScaledHeight);
+ }
+ }
+ public class ThreeDimensionalBar:Bar
+ {
+ protected Image topimg;
+ protected Image bottomimg;
+ protected Table table;
+ protected int toppx=0;
+ protected int height;
+ protected string sep ="_";
+ public ThreeDimensionalBar():base()
+ {
+ topimg = new Image();
+ bottomimg = new Image();
+ Controls.Remove(img);
+ table = new Table();
+ table.CellPadding=0;
+ table.CellSpacing=0;
+ TableRow tr = new TableRow();
+ TableCell tc = new TableCell();
+ tr.Cells.Add(tc);
+ tc.Controls.Add(topimg);
+ table.Rows.Add(tr);
+ tr = new TableRow();
+ tc = new TableCell();
+ tr.Cells.Add(tc);
+ tc.Controls.Add(img);
+ table.Rows.Add(tr);
+ tr = new TableRow();
+ tc = new TableCell();
+ tr.Cells.Add(tc);
+ tc.Controls.Add(bottomimg);
+ table.Rows.Add(tr);
+ Controls.Add(table);
+ }
+ protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
+ {
+ height = (int)Math.Round(img.Height.Value);
+ height = height+TopPx;
+ }
+ public int TopPx
+ {
+ get{return toppx;}
+ set{toppx=value;}
+ }
+ public string Seperator
+ {
+ get{return sep;}
+ set{sep=value;}
+ }
+ public Image Top
+ {
+ get {
+ return topimg;
+ }
+ }
+ public Image Bottom
+ {
+ get {return bottomimg;}
+ }
+ protected override int ScaledHeight
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return (int)Math.Round((double)height*(Scale)/100,2);
+ }
+ }
+ protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (ScaledHeight >= height-TopPx)
+ {
+ int num = ScaledHeight-(height-toppx);
+ img.Height = Unit.Pixel((int)img.Height.Value+num);
+ }
+ else if (ScaledHeight <=toppx)
+ {
+ table.Rows.Remove(table.Rows[1]);
+ table.Rows.Remove(table.Rows[0]);
+ int num = ScaledHeight;
+ //Top.ImageUrl =
+ // + sep + num.ToString() + Path.GetExtension(Top.ImageUrl);//
+ Bottom.ImageUrl =
+ + sep + num.ToString() +
+ //Bottom.ImageUrl ="_images/BackWhole"+sep+num.ToString()+".gif";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ img.Height = Unit.Pixel(ScaledHeight-toppx/2+1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+2. Compile the file into a library called icw.dll, using
+mcs /r:System.Web.dll /target:library /warn:3/debug+ /debug:Full
+/out:icw.dll bar.cs
+3. Move the file icw.dll to the bin directory
+4. Construct an aspx file test.aspx in the run directory and post the
+following code:
+<%@ language="C#"%>
+<%@ Register TagPrefix="GRAPH" Namespace="ICW.WebControls" Assembly="icw" %>
+<form runat="server">
+ <GRAPH:THREEDIMENSIONALBAR id="BankBar" runat="server" TopPx="6">
+ <Container Width="43" Height="155" EnableViewState="false"
+ImageUrl="_images/b2.gif" id="Container1" runat="server" />
+ <Top id="Top2" Width="43" EnableViewState="false"
+ImageUrl="_images/b0.gif" runat="server" />
+ <Bottom id="Bottom1" Width="43" EnableViewState="false"
+ImageUrl="_images/BackWhole.gif" runat="server" />
+5. Run test.aspx
+Actual Results:
+The compilation error shown above
+Expected Results:
+Compiles and runs fine under MS
+How often does this happen?
+Additional Information:
+I'm suspecting that the compiler notices that it's returning a null value.
+It would be worthwile to see what the auto generated file looks like under
+MS. I've also noticed that not all the compilation classes are done, maybe
+that's the cause of this error.