[Mono-bugs] FWD: mono-bugs, Never Over Pay Again For Medications... ubcnw
Megan Semler
Sat, 27 Dec 2003 09:27:57 -0800
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<p align="left">Dear contact,<font color="#FFFFFF">kmldmnxpqopnaagcbpebepscqfwtxtwkijpww</font><br>
WorldClassRX.com is pleased to announce we have brought our 10 year old WorldWide Mail order catalog to the Intenet to save you and your family a Guaranteed 75% on all your prescription drug needs. We offer WorldWide FedEx shipping and live customer support on over the Top 100 Products we offer. Our prices will never be beaten guaranteed. Our goal is to provide a substantial savings for people worldwide and we're committed to providing the best for you. All our medications are approved online by our U.S. Licensed Pharmacists. We offer all named brand medications at a lower price than the generic drug. So get the name brand for less than a generic price. Our prices beat anyones because of our massive buying power. With over 250,000 customers worldwide you savings and satisfaction is the most important. Here are a few beneifits to choose <a href="http://www.worldclassrx.com">www.worldclassrx.com</a>:<font color="#FFFFFF">ppeffgfnjid</font></p>
<p align="left"><font color="#FF0000">- No Appointments<br>
- No Consulting Fees<br>
- U.S. Licensed Physicians<br>
- Savings of 75% Over 100 Top Medications<br>
- Guaranteed Lowest Priced Pharmacy<br>
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- No Consulting Fees<br>
- Much Much More....</font></p>
<p>Remember when you order medications online to order from a company you can trust and that will provide a U.S. Licensed Pharmacist for you, if you have any questions. It is not only about saving money it is about helping each and every client this is why we are they best. <font color="#FF0000">Also if you know of a family member or friend please forward this email on to them and they will thank you.</font> Our savings are much more than standard medical cards check our site out today. And thank you for your time.<font color="#FFFFFF">j</font></p>
<p align="center"><a href="http://www.worldclassrx.com"><font size="5"><strong>Click Here To Visit Us<br>
And Save Over 75% Now</strong></font></a></p>
Steven Dyer<br>
<a href="http://www.worldclassrx.com">WorldClassRX.com</a><font color="#FFFFFF">kigfkyljtlfqvn</font></p>
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<p><font size="2">If you wish to be removed from our mail savings we apologize for any inconvience and you may <a href="http://www.remove.com/?contact@magneticone.com">click here</a>.<font color="#FFFFFF">nkcdatifaqnncvrsiabqmaevv</font></font></p>
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