[Mono-bugs] [Bug 41525][Nor] Changed - Mini crashes using ASP.NET

bugzilla-daemon@rocky.ximian.com bugzilla-daemon@rocky.ximian.com
Fri, 18 Apr 2003 12:59:27 -0400 (EDT)

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URL shown below and enter your comments there.

Changed by ramon_garcia_f@terra.es.


--- shadow/41525	Fri Apr 18 09:28:57 2003
+++ shadow/41525.tmp.14740	Fri Apr 18 12:59:27 2003
@@ -214,6 +214,232 @@
 ------- Additional Comments From ramon_garcia_f@terra.es  2003-04-18 09:28 -------
 The function that is miscompilled is
+------- Additional Comments From ramon_garcia_f@terra.es  2003-04-18 12:59 -------
+Sorry, a part of my diagnostic was wrong.
+Looking at the disassembly listing shows that the code correctly
+pushes three arguments in the stack (before 0x84fc26e). However, there
+is a branch not shown (probably related to exception handling) that
+jumps to a place of the code after the instruction that pushes the
+first argument. Thus this instruction is not executed, and this
+argument is not correct. I am placing the full disassembly again,
+because every execution of mini generates different addresses. 
+0x8472544:      push   %ebp
+0x8472545:      mov    %esp,%ebp
+0x8472547:      push   %edi
+0x8472548:      sub    $0xbc,%esp
+0x847254e:      push   %ebp
+0x847254f:      push   $0x842c750
+0x8472554:      call   0x4006ce1a <enter_method>
+0x8472559:      add    $0x8,%esp
+0x847255c:      movl   $0x0,0xffffffd8(%ebp)
+0x8472563:      movl   $0x0,0xffffffd4(%ebp)
+0x847256a:      movl   $0x0,0xffffffd0(%ebp)
+0x8472571:      push   $0x18
+0x8472576:      mov    %ebp,%eax
+0x8472578:      add    $0xffffffb8,%eax
+0x847257d:      push   %eax
+0x847257e:      call   0x400302a0 <helper_initobj>
+0x8472583:      add    $0x8,%esp
+(ignore the int3, it is a breakpoint placed mini --break)
+0x8472586:      int3 
+0x8472587:      mov    %ebp,%eax
+0x8472589:      add    $0xffffff90,%eax
+0x847258e:      push   %eax
+0x847258f:      call   0x82529f4
+0x8472594:      add    $0x4,%esp
+0x8472597:      push   $0x8
+0x847259c:      mov    %ebp,%eax
+0x847259e:      add    $0xffffff90,%eax
+0x84725a3:      push   %eax
+0x84725a4:      mov    %ebp,%eax
+0x84725a6:      add    $0xffffffa0,%eax
+0x84725ab:      push   %eax
+0x84725ac:      call   0x400302d0 <helper_memcpy>
+0x84725b1:      add    $0xc,%esp
+0x84725b4:      mov    %ebp,%eax
+0x84725b6:      add    $0xffffffa0,%eax
+0x84725bb:      push   %eax
+0x84725bc:      call   0x8253014
+0x84725c1:      add    $0x4,%esp
+0x84725c4:      mov    %edx,%ecx
+0x84725c6:      mov    %eax,0xffffff40(%ebp)
+0x84725cc:      mov    %ecx,0xffffff8c(%ebp)
+0x84725cf:      mov    %eax,0xffffff88(%ebp)
+0x84725d2:      mov    0xffffff8c(%ebp),%ecx
+0x84725d5:      mov    %ecx,0xffffffb4(%ebp)
+0x84725d8:      mov    %eax,0xffffffb0(%ebp)
+0x84725db:      movl   $0x0,0xffffffd0(%ebp)
+0x84725e2:      push   $0x0
+0x84725e7:      mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax
+0x84725ea:      mov    0x20(%eax),%eax
+0x84725ed:      push   %eax
+0x84725ee:      cmpl   $0x0,(%eax)
+0x84725f1:      call   0x8472b04
+0x84725f6:      add    $0x8,%esp
+0x84725f9:      mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax
+0x84725fc:      pushl  0xc(%eax)
+0x84725ff:      push   $0x8426570
+0x8472604:      push   $0x824a680
+0x8472609:      call   0x400913a6 <mono_array_new>
+0x847260e:      add    $0xc,%esp
+0x8472611:      mov    %eax,0xffffff48(%ebp)
+0x8472617:      mov    %eax,0xffffffd8(%ebp)
+0x847261a:      movl   $0x0,0xffffffd4(%ebp)
+0x8472621:      push   $0x18
+0x8472626:      mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax
+0x8472629:      mov    0x1c(%eax),%ecx
+0x847262c:      mov    0xffffffd4(%ebp),%eax
+0x847262f:      mov    0xc(%ecx),%edx
+0x8472632:      cmp    %eax,%edx
+0x8472634:      jbe    0x84728b3
+0x847263a:      imul   $0x18,%eax,%eax
+0x847263d:      add    %ecx,%eax
+0x847263f:      add    $0x10,%eax
+0x8472644:      push   %eax
+0x8472645:      mov    %ebp,%eax
+0x8472647:      add    $0xffffff70,%eax
+0x847264c:      push   %eax
+0x847264d:      call   0x400302d0 <helper_memcpy>
+0x8472652:      add    $0xc,%esp
+0x8472655:      push   $0x18
+0x847265a:      mov    %ebp,%eax
+0x847265c:      add    $0xffffff70,%eax
+0x8472661:      push   %eax
+0x8472662:      mov    %ebp,%eax
+0x8472664:      add    $0xffffffb8,%eax
+0x8472669:      push   %eax
+0x847266a:      call   0x400302d0 <helper_memcpy>
+0x847266f:      add    $0xc,%esp
+0x8472672:      mov    0xffffffb8(%ebp),%eax
+0x8472675:      test   %eax,%eax
+0x8472677:      je     0x84727c5
+0x847267d:      mov    0xffffffc0(%ebp),%eax
+0x8472680:      mov    %eax,0xffffff40(%ebp)
+0x8472686:      mov    0xffffffc4(%ebp),%edx
+0x8472689:      mov    0xffffffb0(%ebp),%ecx
+0x847268c:      mov    0xffffffb4(%ebp),%eax
+0x847268f:      cmp    %eax,%edx
+0x8472691:      mov    0xffffff40(%ebp),%eax
+0x8472697:      jg     0x84727c5
+0x847269d:      jne    0x84726ab
+0x84726a3:      cmp    %ecx,%eax
+0x84726a5:      jae    0x84727c5
+0x84726ab:      push   $0x0
+0x84726b0:      mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax
+0x84726b3:      mov    0x20(%eax),%eax
+0x84726b6:      mov    %ebp,%ecx
+0x84726b8:      add    $0xffffff6f,%ecx
+0x84726be:      push   %eax
+0x84726bf:      push   %ecx
+0x84726c0:      cmpl   $0x0,(%eax)
+0x84726c3:      call   0x84280b8
+0x84726c8:      add    $0xc,%esp
+0x84726cb:      push   $0x1
+0x84726d0:      mov    %ebp,%eax
+0x84726d2:      add    $0xffffff6f,%eax
+0x84726d7:      push   %eax
+0x84726d8:      mov    %ebp,%eax
+0x84726da:      add    $0xffffffaf,%eax
+0x84726df:      push   %eax
+0x84726e0:      call   0x400302d0 <helper_memcpy>
+0x84726e5:      add    $0xc,%esp
+0x84726e8:      pushl  0xffffffd4(%ebp)
+0x84726eb:      mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax
+0x84726ee:      mov    0x24(%eax),%eax
+0x84726f1:      push   %eax
+0x84726f2:      cmpl   $0x0,(%eax)
+0x84726f5:      call   0x842c260
+0x84726fa:      add    $0x8,%esp
+0x84726fd:      mov    %eax,%edi
+0x84726ff:      mov    0xffffffd8(%ebp),%eax
+0x8472702:      mov    %eax,0xffffff68(%ebp)
+0x8472708:      mov    0xffffffd0(%ebp),%edi
+0x847270b:      mov    %edi,%eax
+0x847270d:      add    $0x1,%eax
+0x8472712:      mov    %eax,0xffffff9c(%ebp)
+0x8472715:      mov    0xffffff68(%ebp),%eax
+0x847271b:      mov    %eax,0xffffff64(%ebp)
+0x8472721:      mov    %edi,0xffffff60(%ebp)
+0x8472727:      mov    0xffffff9c(%ebp),%eax
+0x847272a:      mov    %eax,0xffffffd0(%ebp)
+0x847272d:      mov    0xffffff64(%ebp),%eax
+0x8472733:      mov    0xffffff60(%ebp),%ecx
+0x8472739:      mov    0xc(%eax),%edx
+0x847273c:      cmp    %ecx,%edx
+0x847273e:      jbe    0x84728a4
+0x8472744:      lea    0x10(%eax,%ecx,4),%eax
+0x8472748:      mov    0xffffffb8(%ebp),%ecx
+0x847274b:      mov    %ecx,(%eax)
+0x847274d:      mov    0xffffffb8(%ebp),%eax
+0x8472750:      mov    %eax,0xffffff5c(%ebp)
+0x8472756:      mov    $0x846a3cc,%eax
+0x847275b:      movzbl (%eax),%eax
+0x847275e:      push   %eax
+0x847275f:      mov    0xffffff5c(%ebp),%eax
+0x8472765:      push   %eax
+0x8472766:      cmpl   $0x0,(%eax)
+0x8472769:      call   0x84736e0
+0x847276e:      add    $0x8,%esp
+0x8472771:      mov    0xffffffb8(%ebp),%eax
+0x8472774:      mov    %eax,0xffffff58(%ebp)
+0x847277a:      mov    $0x846a3d0,%eax
+0x847277f:      pushl  (%eax)
+0x8472781:      mov    0xffffff58(%ebp),%eax
+0x8472787:      push   %eax
+0x8472788:      cmpl   $0x0,(%eax)
+0x847278b:      call   0x8473710
+0x8472790:      add    $0x8,%esp
+0x8472793:      movl   $0x0,0xffffffb8(%ebp)
+0x847279a:      mov    %esp,0xffffffdc(%ebp)
+0x847279d:      call   0x84727a4
+0x84727a2:      jmp    0x84727c5
+0x84727a4:      mov    %ebp,%eax
+0x84727a6:      add    $0xffffffaf,%eax
+0x84727ab:      push   %eax
+0x84727ac:      mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax
+0x84727af:      mov    0x20(%eax),%eax
+0x84727b2:      push   %eax
+0x84727b3:      cmpl   $0x0,(%eax)
+0x84727b6:      call   0x8429430
+0x84727bb:      add    $0x8,%esp
+0x84727be:      mov    0xffffffdc(%ebp),%esp
+0x84727c1:      sub    $0x4,%esp
+0x84727c4:      ret
+0x84727c5:      mov    0xffffffd4(%ebp),%eax
+0x84727c8:      add    $0x1,%eax
+0x84727cd:      mov    %eax,%edi
+0x84727cf:      mov    %edi,0xffffffd4(%ebp)
+0x84727d2:      mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax
+0x84727d5:      mov    0xc(%eax),%eax
+0x84727d8:      cmp    %eax,0xffffffd4(%ebp)
+0x84727db:      jl     0x8472626
+0x84727e1:      mov    %esp,0xffffffdc(%ebp)
+0x84727e4:      call   0x84727eb
+0x84727e9:      jmp    0x8472804
+0x84727eb:      mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax
+0x84727ee:      mov    0x20(%eax),%eax
+0x84727f1:      push   %eax
+0x84727f2:      cmpl   $0x0,(%eax)
+0x84727f5:      call   0x8428070
+0x84727fa:      add    $0x4,%esp
+0x84727fd:      mov    0xffffffdc(%ebp),%esp
+0x8472800:      sub    $0x4,%esp
+The wrong instruction is at 0x84727db: 
+jl     0x8472626
+It should be
+jl     0x8472621
+The wrong jump skips the instruction "push  $0x18" and thus
+one element of the stack is missing.
+I hope the diagnostic is more complete now.