[Mono-aspnet-list] Mono + Nginx + Open BSD

Gee g.plumb at gmail.com
Wed May 8 20:11:44 UTC 2013

Hi Jesse

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly  :-)
Sadly, /tmp is also owned by root and its permissions (and its children)
match the socket's  :-(

On 8 May 2013 21:02, Jesse Pasichnyk <jesse at pasichnyk.net> wrote:

>  Check your actual /tmp folder permissions.  I believe some other folder
> gets creates there that requires write access as well.
> Sent from my Windows Phone
>  ------------------------------
> From: Gee <g.plumb at gmail.com>
> Sent: 5/8/2013 12:49 PM
> To: Daniel Lo Nigro <lists at dan.cx>
> Cc: mono-aspnet-list at lists.ximian.com
> Subject: Re: [Mono-aspnet-list] Mono + Nginx + Open BSD
>   Hi all
> So this is what I did...
> For sanity's sake:
> chown root /tmp/fastcgi-mono-socket
> chmod 777 /tmp/fastcgi-mono-socket
> To see permissions on the socket
> ls -la /tmp/fastcgi-mono-socket:
> Output:
> srwxrwxrwx  1  root  wheel  0 May  8 16:01 fastcgi-mono-socket
> grep wheel /etc/group
> To see contents of group 'wheel':
> cat /etc/group | grep --regex "^xxx:.*" | awk -F: '{print $4}'
> Output:
> root
>  So I really have no idea what else I can do at this point.
>  Do anyone have any ideas?
> Thanks!
> G
> On 8 May 2013 14:50, Daniel Lo Nigro <lists at dan.cx> wrote:
>> Hmm... I would have expected a "Permission denied" rather than a "No
>> such file or directory" if it was a permissions issue. Maybe BSD handles
>> this differently to Linux though.
>> On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 5:11 PM, Ovidiu D <ovidiudeac at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>  I'm not a BSD user so I don't know for sure but apparently the unix
>>> sockets permissions behave differently compared to Linux . See this:
>>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5977556/how-can-i-change-the-permissions-of-a-linux-socket-file
>>>  Anyway, having both the client and the server of the socket running
>>> with the same user should help here.
>>> On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 9:58 AM, Ovidiu D <ovidiudeac at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>  Looking again at our upstart scripts I see that we start the fastcgi
>>>> server using the same user as nginx. Can you do that?
>>>>  If it doesn't work can you post the whole startup script for your
>>>> fastcgi server?
>>>> On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 1:58 AM, Gee <g.plumb at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>   Hi Ovidiu
>>>>>  I tried TCP earlier to little avail.
>>>>>  *However*
>>>>>  I tried it again anyway (just to say that I did it again) and I got
>>>>> a YSOD/Exception (which is a start!).  After tweaking Web.config and
>>>>> restarting nginx - my hello world actually printed 'hello world'.  It's
>>>>> almost sad how much joy this brought me!  :-)
>>>>>  Now I know TCP does actually work (although I am not sure why it does
>>>>> now), I can set about solving why the unix socket is behaving so
>>>>> strangely.  I suspect that you (and the others earlier in this thread) are
>>>>> indeed all correct about the permissions issue.
>>>>>  I have set about resolving it, but I can't see to get past it.
>>>>>  I have chmod '777' (for now) - to no avail.
>>>>> I ran chmod a+rwx as well - to no avail.
>>>>> I even tried a different path - sadly, to no avail!
>>>>>  I am sure I am missing something obvious, although I have no idea
>>>>> what it could be... :-(
>>>>>  Any advice would be hugely appreciated!
>>>>>  Thanks
>>>>>  G
>>>>> On 7 May 2013 20:57, Ovidiu D <ovidiudeac at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>  I'm pretty sure that you have a permission problem here. You should
>>>>>> double check that both the users of the nginx and mono fastcgi server
>>>>>> processes have rw access to that socket.
>>>>>>  For debugging purposes you can also try to use a TCP socket instead
>>>>>> of a unix socket and once your setup works you can move back to unix
>>>>>> sockets.
>>>>>>  On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 9:56 PM, Gee <g.plumb at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>  Hi
>>>>>>>  I am having trouble getting Mono to work with nginx.  I installed
>>>>>>> my OS (OpenBSD 5.3) and set up ports.  I built mono, mono-xsp and nginx -
>>>>>>> all without incident.  All three appear to be working OK, but not in
>>>>>>> conjunction.
>>>>>>>  I am trying to run a *very* simple MVC3 app - it is literally a
>>>>>>> hello world controller (no fancy code whatsoever) - but I keep getting a
>>>>>>> 502 (Bad gateway).  In the log, I see the following:
>>>>>>>  [crit] 31764#0: *1 connect() to unix:/tmp/fastcgi.socket failed
>>>>>>> (2: No such file or directory) while connecting to upstream,
>>>>>>>  The frustrating thing here is that /tmp/fastcgi.socket does
>>>>>>> actually exist.  I tried 'touch' and making sure 'www' and 'wheel' have the
>>>>>>> appropriate permissions (which they do).  The result of 'ls -la
>>>>>>> /tmp/fastcgi.socket' revealed nothing awry.  I tried using a different path
>>>>>>> (such as '/home/socket' and '/home/fastcgi.socket'), but all to no avail.
>>>>>>>  Does anyone have any ideas/hints?  Could this be a bug in the port?
>>>>>>>  To try and save time, here is my config:
>>>>>>>  worker_processes  1;
>>>>>>>  events {
>>>>>>>     worker_connections  1024;
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>  http {
>>>>>>>     include       mime.types;
>>>>>>>     default_type  application/octet-stream;
>>>>>>>     server {
>>>>>>>         listen 80;
>>>>>>>         access_log   /home/www/nginx.log;
>>>>>>>         error_log    /home/www/errors.log;
>>>>>>>         # root /home/www/test;
>>>>>>>         # index index.html index.htm index.aspx default.aspx;
>>>>>>>          location ^~ /Scripts/ { }
>>>>>>>         location ^~ /Content/ { }
>>>>>>>          location / {
>>>>>>>             root /home/www/test;
>>>>>>>             # fastcgi_index /Home/Index;
>>>>>>>              fastcgi_pass   unix:/tmp/fastcgi.socket;
>>>>>>>             # include        fastcgi_params;
>>>>>>>             include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
>>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>  Thanks!
>>>>>>>  G
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