[Mono-aspnet-list] "No application found" errors from mod_mono

Richard Birkby rbirkby at gmail.com
Tue Feb 5 14:52:47 UTC 2013


I'm moving a website from a SheevaPlug appliance (Debian ARM) to a
Raspberry Pi (Raspbian/Wheezy).

Apache works fine, but whenever I make a request to a .aspx page, error.log
gets an entry saying:

[error] No application found for XXXX.aspx

I believe I've configured everything in the same way as on the SheevaPlug
(mod_mono_auto), but I can't get past this message. It looks like
mod-mono-server4 has been started as it's in my process list, and I've also
made sure the MonoServerPath is set correctly (as it seemed to default to
mod-mono-server2). /tmp/mod_mono_server_global and
/tmp/mod_mono_server_global_<number> both exist.

Where can I look next? What other debugging options will help me drill down

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