[Mono-aspnet-list] ScriptService with JSON instead of WebService -- how?

Mikko Vuoti vuoti at iki.fi
Mon Nov 26 18:39:30 UTC 2012

I call using jQuery.ajax. I have tried GET and POST, setting
accepts:’application/json’, dataType:’json’. And all combinations.  The
service does not seem to honor  accepts-header, but always returns xml.
All-in-all, ScriptService/ScriptMethod attributes do not seem to have any
effect. Service description has methods only when WebMethod attribute is


Url points to the service as in ‘/MyService.asmx/Hello?name=Bob’. Adding /js
to the path produces error.





Lähettäjä: Mike Christensen [mailto:mike at kitchenpc.com] 
Lähetetty: 26. marraskuuta 2012 18:09
Vastaanottaja: Mikko Vuoti
Kopio: mono-aspnet-list at lists.ximian.com
Aihe: Re: [Mono-aspnet-list] ScriptService with JSON instead of WebService
-- how?


How are you calling your web service?


If you go to /YourService.asmx/js - does it generate a JavaScript proxy?

On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 9:17 AM, Mikko Vuoti <vuoti at iki.fi> wrote:

There seems to be a few questions and answers around on this subject, but so
far I have not found the missing piece of wisdom to get my script service


I want to create a service to be consumed by a jQuery.Ajax driven javascript
app. However, I can’t get the method configured so that it would return JSON
instead of XML.


Here is the trivial C#


using System;

using System.Web;

using System.Web.Services;

using System.Web.Script.Services;


namespace ScriptServiceTest



  public class MyService : WebService



    public string Hello(string name)


      return("Hello,  " + name);





I have added the reference to System.Web.Extensions.


I have also generated the web.config (mconfig --target=web af AJAX), not
sure if this has to do with the problem, though.


The code above doesn’t make the service available. If I add
[WebService]/[WebMethod] attributes to the class/method definition the
method becomes available as a regular web service, i.e. it returns XML – not


I’ve been testing on Mono / .NET 3.5 and 4.0.


Any pointer to a resource explaining how script services should be set up
with mono is warmly welcome!



thanks your time!




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