[Mono-aspnet-list] How to backup PostgreSql database from browser in MVC2 application on Mono in Linux

Andrus kobruleht2 at hot.ee
Sat Mar 24 19:32:06 UTC 2012

>I'm not at home, so it's tough to look up - can you specify the response output stream as the target for the standard >output redirection for the process?  If so, that would connect the two, and you'd likely not even need to read from >the process and write to the output.  

I tried

process.StandardOutput = Response.OutputStream;
Response.OutputStream = process.StandardOutput;

but got compile error that property is read only in both cases.
>You might need to fiddle with the flush interval for the stream, so it doesn't 

>try to accrue the whole result before writing it.


        public FileStreamResult BackupPipe()
            var process = new Process();
            process.StartInfo.Arguments = " -ib -Z6 -Fc -h";
            process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
            process.StartInfo.FileName = “/usr/pgsql/9.1/bin/pg_dump”;
            process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
            Server.ScriptTimeout = 8 * 60 * 60; // 8 hours
            return new FileStreamResult(process.StandardOutput.BaseStream, "application/backup");

seems to work in both Linux and Windows.

top shows mono.bin and after download starts httpd %MEM values up to 36%

How to add error reporting so that user can notified if error occurs? Currently bad file is received without any notice.

Before download starts, pg_dump runs without data being sent to browser and users sees hourglass for a long time.

File download prompt in browser occurs only after pg_dump and mono.bin commands are completed.

How to force download to start earlier or show some progress message to user in browser during pg_dump run? 



Wrapping process creation to use statement:

use ( var process = new Process() ) {
  process.StartInfo.Arguments = " -ib -Z6 -Fc -h";
  process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
  process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
  process.StartInfo.FileName = “/usr/pgsql/9.1/bin/pg_dump”;
  Server.ScriptTimeout = 8 * 60 * 60; // 8 hours
  return new FileStreamResult(process.StandardOutput.BaseStream, "application/backup");

causes “object is used after being disposed” exception in Mono but works in windows.

Is this mono bug ?
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