[Mono-aspnet-list] [System.InvalidOperationException]: Contract '...' was not found in the implemented contracts in this service host.

Uli Hertlein uli at xdt.com.au
Mon Feb 28 23:22:52 EST 2011

Hi guys,

hopefully someone can shed some light on an issue that I've been banging my head on for the last 
handful of hours...

I have a ASP.Net application with WCF callbacks that works fine on Windows/Visual Studio.
When publishing to Apache with mod_mono (2.10) the JavaScript calls to 
'Services/ControlService.svc/...' generate the following exception:

[System.InvalidOperationException]: Contract 'Web.Control.IControlService' was not found in the 
implemented contracts in this service host.

The ControlService.svc file is as follows:
<%@ ServiceHost Language="C#" Debug="true" Service="Web.Control.ControlService" 
CodeBehind="ControlService.svc.cs" %>

IControlService has [ServiceContract] on the interface and [OperationContract] on the methods;
ControlService implements IControlService.

The Web.config file is as follows:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
         <compilation debug="true"/>
         <customErrors mode="Off"/>
                 <behavior name="AspNetAjaxBehavior">
         <serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true"/>
             <service name="Web.Control.ControlService">
                 <endpoint address=""

Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,

Ulrich Hertlein
Research and Development   mailto:uli at xdt.com.au
XDT Pty Ltd                http://www.xdt.com.au

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