[Mono-aspnet-list] Socket error sending secured mail.

APS dev.malst at apsystems.it
Wed Jun 9 04:07:31 EDT 2010

Maybe I need a third party library?

At 11.39 07/06/2010, you wrote:
>A step ahead, maybe is useful for someone else.
>I found that the connection refused was due to the fact that 
>smtpmail does not read the field " 
>http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver" but it 
>uses only the SmtpMail.SmtpServer property to set the server so my 
>old code always connect to localhost.
>Fixed that I've the same behavior in system.web.mail and 
>system.net.mail, the connection to 465 is made but it waits 
>indefinitely, I've to restart apache; connection to 587 complains 
>about the certificate so I need to update system.security.
>I thought that the connection to 465 fails in MS.NET because it only 
>supports the mode where "the SMTP session begins on an unencrypted 
>channel, then a STARTTLS command is issued by the client to the 
>server to switch to secure communication using SSL.".
>I'm investigating about the server but if the server only accept 
>implicit SSL (the second one) in MS.NET I've the possibility to use 
>system.web.mail, in Mono it seems that I've no chance. There's some workaround?
>At 15.05 04/06/2010, you wrote:
>>On 04.06.2010 14:43, APS wrote:
>> > So we are back at the beginning. How can I debug traffic to see which
>> > connection to which ip and port is made?
>>This was solely your choice. No one is using System.Web.Mail
>>nowadays, but if you feel like wanting to use code that was last
>>modified at 2007-12-13, go for it.
>>The usual suspects when it comes to traffic monitoring are
>>Good luck!
>> >
>> > At 12.49 04/06/2010, you wrote:
>> >> On 04.06.2010 12:36, APS wrote:
>> >>> Ok, gmail is only for testing and need to use another server that I
>> >>> omitted to be more "international", the real server is
>> >>> sendm.cert.legalmail.it, how can I understand if it use the same new
>> >>> type of certificate?
>> >>> With the old system.security and new certificate I should obtain a
>> >>> connection refused?
>> >>
>> >> "Connection refused" usually means that you're connecting
>> >> to the wrong port. This is independent of Mono.Security
>> >> or the mailer variant (supposing that they are bug free).
>> >>
>> >> Robert
>> >>
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>> >> --
>> >> Il messaggio e' stato analizzato alla ricerca di virus o
>> >> contenuti pericolosi da MailScanner, ed e'
>> >> risultato non infetto.
>>Mono-aspnet-list mailing list
>>Mono-aspnet-list at lists.ximian.com
>>Il messaggio e' stato analizzato alla ricerca di virus o
>>contenuti pericolosi da MailScanner, ed e'
>>risultato non infetto.
>Il messaggio e' stato analizzato alla ricerca di virus o
>contenuti pericolosi da <http://www.mailscanner.info/>MailScanner, ed e'
>risultato non infetto.
>Mono-aspnet-list mailing list
>Mono-aspnet-list at lists.ximian.com
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