[Mono-aspnet-list] Needing a little help to get started hosting WCFon Mono 2.6.4 with Apache
kobruleht2 at hot.ee
Wed Jul 14 05:36:33 EDT 2010
> Why are you hijacking this thread?
Because op wrote (quote):
"So, any pointers/opinions will be welcome."
>You ARE able to use your service,
> at least for a few days. Maybe some script is periodically purging
> your /tmp/ folder...
I removed lines
LogLevel Debug
MonoAutoRestartMode Time
MonoAutoRestartTime 00:03
from config
Now it is working for several days.
So it looks like those lines cause the issue.
> Robert
> On 14.07.2010 09:07, Andrus wrote:
>> I posted same issue in July 7, 2010 in Mono-list list in topic for asmx
>> file:
>> Type MyApp.Service.StockService not found error after every few days
>> In my case if I kill all mono process and re-start apache it works some
>> time.
>> After few days it occurs again and again. I havent found any solution.
>> Andrus.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Jan van der watt
>> To: mono-aspnet-list at lists.ximian.com
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 6:34 AM
>> Subject: [Mono-aspnet-list] Needing a little help to get started
>> hosting WCFon Mono 2.6.4 with Apache
>> Hi,
>> I've completed the calculator exampled of Getting Started with WCF
>> guide on MSDN and would now like to try this on Mono to benefit from the
>> new binary serialisation of DataSets which is, to my knowledge, not
>> available over SOAP of the old .NET remoting - which is actually my REAL
>> issue.
>> I've read various lists and discussions and it seems that WCF should
>> be possible - I am obviously just missing something in the fundamentals.
>> However, there doesn't seem to be a simple guide to getting started with
>> hosting your first WCF service on Mono.
>> I've read:
>> - Mono Olive: Introducing Windows Communication Foundation notebook.
>> - http://mono-project.com/WCF
>> - http://noamlampert.blogspot.com/search/label/Mono
>> I am running openSuse 11.1 with Mono 2.6.4, Apache .
>> This is not a pre-compiled app and I have heaps of other aspx pages
>> (in the same application) that all work as expected.
>> Everything goes well until I try to use the "calculator.svc" service
>> simply by browing to it http://mytestserver/Calculator.svc, when I get
>> the SOURCE CODE in the file, instead of the service.
>> I've posted the following (and they are basically the files you get
>> when you start a new WFC service project in VS 2010):
>> web.config: http://pastebin.com/eu4RK5wV
>> ICalculator.cs: http://pastebin.com/dqycTgaU
>> Calculator.svc: http://pastebin.com/N5PpmpKJ
>> Calculator.svc.cs: http://pastebin.com/cXcuJw0X
>> If I try hosting it through XSP2, I get the error below - an
>> indication that there may be a namespace issue (but this example does
>> work on .NET):
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Type WcfService.Calculator not found.
>> Description: HTTP 500. Error processing request.
>> Stack Trace:
>> System.Web.HttpException: Type WcfService.Calculator not found.
>> at
>> System.ServiceModel.Channels.SvcHttpHandlerFactory.GetTypeFromBinAndConfig
>> (System.String typeName) [0x00000] in<filename unknown>:0
>> at System.ServiceModel.Channels.SvcHttpHandlerFactory.LoadTypeFromSvc
>> (System.String path, System.String url, System.Web.HttpContext context)
>> [0x00000] in<filename unknown>:0
>> at System.ServiceModel.Channels.SvcHttpHandlerFactory.GetHandler
>> (System.Web.HttpContext context, System.String requestType, System.String
>> url, System.String pathTranslated) [0x00000] in<filename unknown>:0
>> at System.Web.HttpApplication.GetHandler (System.Web.HttpContext
>> context, System.String url, Boolean ignoreContextHandler) [0x00000]
>> in<filename unknown>:0
>> at System.Web.HttpApplication.GetHandler (System.Web.HttpContext
>> context, System.String url) [0x00000] in<filename unknown>:0
>> at System.Web.HttpApplication+<Pipeline>c__Iterator2.MoveNext ()
>> [0x00000] in<filename unknown>:0
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Version information: Mono Runtime Version: 2.6.4 (tarball Thu May 6
>> 18:38:09 UTC 2010); ASP.NET Version: 2.0.50727.1433
>> So, any pointers/opinions will be welcome.
>> Thanks
>> Jan
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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