[Mono-aspnet-list] Apache configuration problem with mono handler and virtual directory (Alias)

Nathan Bridgewater nathan at integratedwebsystems.com
Fri Jul 9 12:28:07 EDT 2010

Hello All,

I'm trying to configure a virtual directory alias within my web application,
but I'm having problem landing the request in the right place.  I used the
mod_mono configuration tool on the mono-project website and I setup the root
location to handle mono.   When I setup the alias folder, the request seems
to still route through  mono even though it should be a straight file served
up by apache.

My directory structure is this:

/ = root web app folder located at:  /var/www/web1
/resources = Alias located at: /var/www/resources

All directories have permissions for www-data (ubuntu/apache2), and there
are no restrictions in my web.config.

My configuration file for the virtual host looks something like this (minus
the typical mono config).

  DocumentRoot /var/www/web1

  Alias /resources /var/www/resources
  <Directory /resources>
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    SetHandler none

  <Location />
    Allow from all
    Order allow,deny
    MonoSetServerAlias webapp01
    SetHandler mono
    SetOutputFilter DEFLATE
    SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI "\.(?:gif|jpe?g|png)$" no-gzip dont-vary

The response I get when requesting a simple file is below.  It seems mono is
still handling the request as opposed to just letting apache serve up the
file. It's gotta be a simple Apache configuration problem.  Does anyone have
any ideas?

Thanks in Advance!

Server Error in '/' Application
*The resource cannot be found.*

*Description: *HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its
dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is
temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that
it is spelled correctly.

*Requested URL: */resources/test.xml
*Version information: * Mono Runtime Version: 20100618 (tarball Tue Jun 22
16:38:29 CDT 2010); ASP.NET Version: 2.0.50727.1433

Nathan Bridgewater
Integrated Web Systems, LLC
nathan at integratedwebsystems.com

Microsoft Certified Professional Developer
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