[Gtk-sharp-list] [Mono-dev] GTK# Window Display Issue Outside of Main.cs

Johnnie Odom jodom at escambia.k12.fl.us
Thu Nov 8 22:28:25 UTC 2012

Thank you Ivo and Oskar, 

I was indeed doing all my work in one thread, and the main work was blocking the run loop (via a button click event) so that the progress bar widget could never display and update. 

I fixed it by moving the radiazerMain function from an LDAP library class to the MainWindow class, breaking it into a separate thread, and adding Invoke() calls to the progress bar to the foreach loop that was doing the work. It works like a treat now. 

In addition to your advice, the  Responsive Applications document at http://www.mono-project.com/Responsive_Applications was tremendously useful in providing sample code with best practices. 

Thank you again.  

Johnnie Odom 
Network Services 
School District of Escambia County 
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