[Gtk-sharp-list] GTK#3 (was: Re: GTK# Window Display Issue Outside of Main.cs)

Andres G. Aragoneses knocte at gmail.com
Wed Nov 7 01:59:11 UTC 2012

If you're demanding binaries for Linux, you should ask in your 
distribution forums/mailinglists.

If other OS, we're asking for community contributions to bring those for 
the final 3.0 release.

PS: Next time try to not hijack threads ;)

On 07/11/12 01:37, Gustavo Rubio wrote:
> Speaking of, are there any binaries of GTK# 2.99 available?
> On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 6:53 PM, Andres G. Aragoneses <knocte at gmail.com
> <mailto:knocte at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     And a good tool to fix what just Joe brought up is:
>     https://github.com/slluis/gui-__thread-check
>     <https://github.com/slluis/gui-thread-check>
>     This tool will, furthermore, be bundled by default in the next
>     2.99.1 release (so one more incentive to upgrade ).
>     On 06/11/12 22:37, Joe Dluzen wrote:
>         Though I haven't run your code, my first guess would be threading
>         issues. As with practically all GUI toolkits, components are not
>         only
>         not threadsafe, but code doing anything with the components must be
>         invoked on the same thread, please see here:
>         http://www.mono-project.com/__Responsive_Applications
>         <http://www.mono-project.com/Responsive_Applications>
>         In the code you have not posted, is anything started on new
>         threads, or
>         on the threadpool? If so, you'd need to Invoke() any and all
>         update code
>         to the GUI thread. All speculation right now, sorry.
>         Joe
>         On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 2:36 PM, Johnnie Odom
>         <jodom at escambia.k12.fl.us <mailto:jodom at escambia.k12.fl.us>
>         <mailto:jodom at escambia.k12.fl.__us
>         <mailto:jodom at escambia.k12.fl.us>>> wrote:
>              Hello Everyone,
>              This is my first day on the mailing list, and as it is I have a
>              question regarding some odd behavior I am encountering.
>              I am writing an application on OS X 10.8 using C#, Mono
>         2.10.9 and
>              MonoDevelop 3.0.4 (including the Designer views) that makes
>         some
>              simple changes to LDAP. As part of it, I decided to get
>         fancy with
>              GTK#. All is going well, except for one behavior.
>              I have created a window class to display a progress bar and
>         stop
>              button. I have further created a function in this class to
>         update
>              the progress bar with a fraction and text message. In my
>         code, I
>              create a new instance of this window class when real work is
>              happening in another class, and then populate it after
>         every ten
>              iterations of a foreach loop.
>              My problem is that when the window is created FROM THE
>         CLASS DOING
>              REAL WORK, it displays neither the progress bar widget, nor the
>              button. It displays only the window title and then white space
>              below. Only this window displays this behavior -- several other
>              windows that I create over the course of the application
>         all display
>              appropriately.
>              If I instead create the progress bar window in Main.cs and call
>              Show(), it will display just fine. I can even call the
>         function to
>              set its status from Main.cs and it will display correctly.
>              I have tried creating the window in Main.cs and passing it
>         to the
>              class that does the real work later. I have tried creating
>         it in
>              other classes besides the one that does the work. In all
>         cases the
>              behavior is the same -- if the window is created and used
>         solely in
>              Main.cs it will display fine, but if it it ever invoked or
>         created
>              from anywhere else (whether or not it is created in another
>         class or
>              in Main.cs) it will display incorrectly.
>              I have taken to using the debugger and break points to
>         isolate the
>              behavior. If I set a breakpoint immediately after the window is
>              created, it is still blank -- that is, I do not think it is
>         a case
>              that the window is just not keeping pace with any updates I am
>              sending. I have also compared the various values of the window
>              objects and attributes when it is displayed (created and
>         used solely
>              in Main.cs) and when it is not (displayed in any other
>         class) and
>              they seem to be identical.
>              So, I am at a loss, and I would appreciate any advice you
>         might give.
>              I can send any code you think would prove useful, but for
>         now I am
>              sending you the class where I am trying to call the window,
>         and the
>              contents of the window's code-behind.
>              Thank you for any guidance you can give.
>              Johnnie Odom
>              Network Services
>              School District of Escambia County
>              ****************
>              The function from the calling class:
>              public string radiazerMain(string radiazerGroup, string
>              radiazerProfile){
>              Progression MarathonBar = new Progression();
>              MarathonBar.Show();
>              string monologger = "";
>              string lastLine = "Radiazer completed current run." +
>              Environment.NewLine;
>              Array usersToModify = getGroupMembers(radiazerGroup)__;
>              string[] radiusAttribs = new
>         string[]{"dialupAccess","__radiusArapFeatures","__radiusArapSecurity","__radiusArapZoneAccess","__radiusAuthType","__radiusCallbackId","__radiusCallbackNumber","__radiusCalledStationId","__radiusCallingStationId","__radiusCheckItem","radiusClass"__,"radiusClientIPAddress","__radiusExpiration","__radiusFilterId","__radiusFramedAppleTalkLink","__radiusFramedAppleTalkNetwork",__"radiusFramedAppleTalkZone","__radiusFramedCompression","__radiusFramedIPAddress","__radiusFramedIPNetmask","__radiusFramedIPXNetwork","__radiusFramedMTU","__radiusFramedProtocol","__radiusFramedRoute","__radiusFramedRouting","__radiusGroupName","radiusHint",__"radiusHuntgroupName","__radiusIdleTimeout","__radiusLoginIPHost","__radiusLoginLATGroup","__radiusLoginLATNode","__radiusLoginLATPort","__radiusLoginLATService","__radiusLoginService","__radiusLoginTCPPort","__radiusLoginTime","__radiusPasswordRetry","__radiusPortLimit","__radiusProfileDn","__radiusPrompt","__radiusProxyToRealm","__radiusRealm","_
>     ,
>     "radiusSimultaneousUse","__radiusStripUserName","__radiusTerminationAction","__radiusTunnelAssignmentId","__radiusTunnelClientEndpoint","__radiusTunnelMediumType","__radiusTunnelPassword","__radiusTunnelPreference","__radiusTunnelPrivateGroupId","__radiusTunnelServerEndpoint","__radiusTunnelType","__radiusUserCategory","__radiusVSA"};
>              LdapAttributeSet profileTemplate =
>              LdapAttributeSetFiltered(__radiazerProfile, radiusAttribs);
>              profileTemplate.Add(new LdapAttribute("__radiusProfileDn",
>              radiazerProfile));
>              int totalUsersCount = usersToModify.Length;
>              int currentUserCount = 0;
>              int errorCount = 0;
>              MarathonBar.Show();
>              foreach(string userToModify in usersToModify){
>              currentUserCount++;
>              try{
>              monologger = monologger + radiazeModifyUser(__userToModify,
>              profileTemplate);
>              }
>              catch(LdapException LdapFailure){
>              monologger = monologger + "User " + userToModify + "
>         failed. Error
>              is " + LdapFailure.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
>              errorCount++;
>              }
>              if(((currentUserCount % 10) == 0) || ((totalUsersCount -
>              currentUserCount) < 10)){
>              MarathonBar.setProgress(((__double)currentUserCount /
>              totalUsersCount), totalUsersCount , currentUserCount,
>         errorCount,
>              userToModify);
>              }
>              if(MarathonBar.cancelFromUser)__{
>              lastLine = "Radiazer cancelled by user." + Environment.NewLine;
>              break;
>              }
>              }
>              MarathonBar.Destroy();
>              monologger = monologger + lastLine;
>              return monologger;
>              }
>              *************
>              The Code-Behind:
>              using System;
>              namespace Radiazer2
>              {
>              public partial class Progression : Gtk.Window
>              {
>              public bool cancelFromUser = false;
>              public Progression () :
>              base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel)
>              {
>              this.Build ();
>              }
>              public void setProgress(double fractionOfProgress, int
>         totalUnits,
>              int finishedUnits, int errorUnits, string finishedUser){
>              this.progressIndicator.__Fraction = fractionOfProgress;
>              this.progressIndicator.Text = "Completed " + finishedUnits
>         + " of "
>              + totalUnits + " with " + errorUnits + " errors. Current
>         user is " +
>              finishedUser + ".";
>              }
>              protected void OnStopUserClicked (object sender, EventArgs e)
>              {
>              cancelFromUser = true;
>              }

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