[Gtk-sharp-list] GNOME Icon Theme Stopped Working after Gtk# Upgrade

Jacek Rużyczka stacheldraht at interia.pl
Wed May 30 19:47:16 UTC 2012

Hi folks,

I am developing a Gtk#-based desktop app by using MoneDevelop. My current 
versions of Gtk# and MD are:

jacek at veteran:~> rpm -q gtk-sharp2-complete
jacek at veteran:~> rpm -q monodevelop

Before the last upgrade it was easy to reference standard GNOME theme icons by 
using code like this:

Gtk.IconTheme.Default.LoadIcon("gtk-dialog-error", 32, 0);

Now this isn't working: Mono/Gtk# doesn't find the icons any more:

System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the 
target of an invocation. ---> GLib.GException: Symbol »gtk-dialog-error« nicht 
im Thema vorhanden
  at Gtk.IconTheme.LoadIcon (System.String icon_name, Int32 size, 
IconLookupFlags flags) [0x0004a] in /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/gtk-

Re-installing gnome-icon-theme didn't help either:

jacek at veteran:~> rpm -q gnome-icon-theme

Do I now have to reference all necessary icons by hand in my project? I hope 

Kind regards
Jacek Rużyczka

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