[Gtk-sharp-list] A question from a completely lost newcommer

Michael Hutchinson m.j.hutchinson at gmail.com
Sat Mar 27 03:22:13 EDT 2010

On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 7:00 AM, Adam Tauno Williams
<awilliam at whitemice.org> wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-03-25 at 12:40 -0800, Rovainon wrote:
>> My situation is this:
>> I am attending a programming class at my local collage in C#, and I do of
>> course want to use Open Source to do this since I believe that is where my
>> future lies. But I'm having trouble with the easiest of things when it comes
>> to gtk# since it is not at all like WinForms. And since there seems to be no
>> graphical designer for WinForms in MonoDevelop I'm pritty much bound to use
>> gtk#. I have nothing against gtk#, it is only that I don't know it and
>> neither does my teacher.
>> Searching around the net I'm having a really hard time wrapping my head
>> around the subject, understandably the library is not covered a lot since
>> it's not the most popular.
>> Anyhow, what I'm basicly looking for is help around what I should use
>> instead of the WinForms textbox and how it works. As an extension to that I
>> would gladly accept any beginners guide to gtk#.
> Specific questions are easier to answer.
> But one overlooked resource is the "sample" directory of the gtk-sharp
> source code.  This contains numerous examples of how to use given
> widget, and the examples are specific enough not to be obfuscated by
> other application stuff.
> svn co http://anonsvn.mono-project.com/source/trunk/gtk-sharp gtk-sharp
> cd gtk-sharp/sample
> And maybe <http://nemerle.org/Gtk_text_editor> is worth a look.

http://zetcode.com/tutorials/gtksharptutorial/ looks pretty good.

Michael Hutchinson

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