[Gtk-sharp-list] ButtonPressed Event & the Return Key

Jacek Rużyczka stacheldraht at interia.pl
Tue Apr 6 07:20:05 EDT 2010

Am Dienstag 06 April 2010 12:39:12 schrieb Jesper K. Pedersen:
> > I've also tried the combination [Alt]+<Key>, but it isn't working either.
> Try pressing "space" instead of "enter" and see if that works for you.
It does not work. Even trying the [Enter] key in the numpad isn't working. 
Sorry. :-(

What did help, was switching to ButtonClicked. I don't really understand why 
(the click event, a.f.a.i.k., is more low-level than the press event), but it 
does work. :-)


Szukaj tanich biletow lotniczych! Porownaj ceny!

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