[Gtk-sharp-list] Adding sorting and filtering to nodeview/nodestore

Vladimir Giszpenc vladimir.giszpenc at gmail.com
Tue May 5 14:43:09 EDT 2009

Hi Mike and others who can help me,

I am considering adding filtering and sorting functionality to the
NodeView/NodeStore and wanted to get some help with the design before
I get started.  I realize that this was a "failed experiment" in the
eyes of Novell, but I believe it is a very elegant widget that is
missing some functionality.
I imagine that once this is added, adding the Gtk.TreeDragSource
interface should be easy but since I don't need that yet, I will not
work on it for now.

My thoughts are based on TreeModelFilter and TreeModelSort

Create a new NodeStoreFilter.cs

public class NodeStoreFilter : NodeStore
  public NodeStoreFilter (NodeStore childStore)
  public NodeStoreFilter (NodeStore childStore, ITreeNode rootNode)
  public Gtk.TreeModelFilterVisibleFunc VisibleFunc {set}
  public NodeStore NodeStore {get;}
  public ITreeNode ConvertChildNodeToFilterNode (ITreeNode childNode)
  public ITreeNode ConvertFilterNodeToChildNode (ITreeNode filterNode)
  public void Refilter ()

and a new NodeStoreSort.cs

public class NodeStoreSort : NodeStore, Gtk.TreeSortable
  public NodeStoreSort(NodeStore childStore)
  public NodeStore NodeStore {get;}
  public ITreeNode ConvertChildNodeToFilterNode (ITreeNode childNode)
  public ITreeNode ConvertFilterNodeToChildNode (ITreeNode filterNode)
  public void ResetDefaultSortFunc ()

I don't fully understand the Adapters.
How do I need to use TreeModelAdapter and TreeSortableAdapter?  I want
to use them to register for events I think.
What else am I missing?

Any help would be appreciated.

Many thanks and best regards,


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