[Gtk-sharp-list] Can't choose C# GTK# Project on Mac 10.5.6

Michael Hutchinson m.j.hutchinson at gmail.com
Wed Mar 18 15:00:18 EDT 2009

On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 7:00 AM, PattiMan <PattiMan at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for your reply, Michael.
> So I have to wait till GTK+ is mature enough for Mac. You are probably no
> fortuneteller, but do you have any idea when we can expect that to be ready?

To clarify: it's mature enough to run MD itself, but the GTK# designer
requires advanced drag-n-drop features that have not been implemented
in the Mac GTK+.

Unfortunately I don't think anyone's actively working on the missing features.

> I can create GUI's in Mono but then I have to do it without a GUI designer,
> is that correct?

On Mac, yes, this is true for both GTK# and Winforms.

> I've seen several demo's on how to create a GTK# with C#. But that is
> probably on a different platform then.

If it was using the designer, it would have been Linux.

Michael Hutchinson

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