[Gtk-sharp-list] NodeStore

Mark de Bruijn kramieb at gmail.com
Wed Mar 4 15:49:43 EST 2009

On 3/4/09, Vladimir Giszpenc <vladimir.giszpenc at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>  Given:
>                 FooNode parent = new FooNode();
>                 FooNode child = new FooNode();
>                 parent.AddChild(child);
>                 this.fooStore.AddNode(parent);
>                 this.nodeview1.NodeStore = fooStore;
>  Should both parent and child be in fooStore?
>  Both rows are added to the NodeView.  So the NodeView (if expanded)
>  can show both.
>  I tried to fix NodeStore.cs but my test application seems to be using
>  an older version.
>  How do I get MonoDevelop to use my new Gtk#?
>  Or, how do I compile on the command line?  MonoDevelop is doing magic
>  that I cannot reproduce.
>  "error CS2007: Unrecognized command-line option: `-pthread'"
>  This is a very simple Gtk# app.  There is not much more than the above code...
>  Thanks,
>  Vlad
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Why did you try to compile it using the -pthread switch? That's one
for compiling for example Mono itself, unmanaged stuff.

Try compiling with something like gmcs -pkg:gtk-sharp program.cs


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