[Gtk-sharp-list] how to create zebra stripes in treeview

Miroslav Biňas mirek at host.sk
Thu Jun 4 13:40:42 EDT 2009


i am new to gtk#, so maybe my question is something obvious, but - not
yet for me. so...

my problem is to create stripes in TreeView with ListStore model. i was
trying to search for example, going through some source codes, but
without any success. the best result, what i was able to do, was the
creeation of method for rendering the row for the specific column with
the SetCellDataFunc() method. problem is, when i sort the rows in the
store by clicking on the header, it stops working - sorry - it still
works, but there can be several rows of the same color grouped together
based on the sort criteria.

when i take a look at the available methods and properties of the
ListStore, i can see the properties OddRowColor and EvenRowColor.
according the name it should be exactly, what i am looking for. problem
is, it's only getter and i don't know, how to set it.

so - if anybody knows, how to solve this problem, please, give me at
least a hint ;) the best will be some fragment of code. anyway - i
appreciate any help.


e-mail: mirek[[at]]cnl.sk
jabber: mirek[[at]]jabbim.sk
homepage: http://www.cnl.tuke.sk/~mirek

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