[Gtk-sharp-list] size request getting lost...

Stanisław Pitucha viraptor at gmail.com
Mon Feb 23 06:47:24 EST 2009

2009/2/23 Christian Hoff <christian_hoff at gmx.net>:
> Have a look at the Size.cs sample in the Gtk# repository. The event
> handler shopuld not call SetSizeRequest, but instead modify the
> Requisition object in the args param:
> static void Size_Requested (object obj, SizeRequestedArgs args)
> {
> Requisition req = args.Requisition;
> Console.WriteLine ("Requesting 100 x 100");
> req.Width = req.Height = 100;
> args.Requisition = req;
> }

Does it mean that the example in go-mono is wrong?

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